Commands by unixmonkey3987 (3)

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Check These Out

rsync + find
use find with rsync

get a desktop notification from the terminal
tired of switching to the console to check if some command has finished yet? if notify-send does not work on your box try this one... e.g. rsync -av -e /usr/bin/lsh $HOME ; z (now fire up X, do something useful, get notified if this stuff has finished).

ASCII webcam live stream video using mplayer
Mplayer starts a webcam capture using ASCII art. Only mplayer required

Set file access control lists
The file myfile is owned by tom and has read and write permissions for tom. Group and other permissions are empty which make myfile readable and writable only by tom. setfacl enables user tom to give read permission to user john only. The command 'ls -l' shows a '+' sign telling us that file access control list has been setup for myfile.

this toggles mute on the Master channel of an alsa soundcard

Countdown Clock
Simple countdown clock that should be quite portable across any Bourne-compatible shell. I used to teach for a living, and I would run this code when it was time for a break. Usually, I would set "MIN" to 15 for a 15-minute break. The computer would be connected to a projector, so this would be projected on screen, front and center, for all to see.

Display the top 10 running processes - sorted by memory usage
A pretty nice display of processes.

Working random fact generator
extension to tali713's random fact generator. It takes the output & sends it to notify-osd. Display time is proportional to the lengh of the fact.

Happy Days
This never gets old

calculate the total size of files in specified directory (in Megabytes)
the command will calculate the size of hidden files

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