Can be run as a script `ftrace` if my_command is substrituted with "$@" It is useful when running a command that fails and you have the feeling it is accessing a file you are not aware of. Show Sample Output
Use this to find identify if dirs mostly contain large or small files. Show Sample Output
Use acpi and notify-send to report current temperature every five minutes. Works best in a shell script run at startup. acpi is called for temperature and fed to notify-send for a tooltip. After waiting five minutes, it will start over.
Parallel does not suffer from the risk of mixing of output that xargs suffers from. -j+0 will run as many jobs in parallel as you have cores. With parallel you only need -0 (and -print0) if your filenames contain a '\n'. Parallel is from
If a directory name contains space xargs will do the wrong thing. Parallel deals better with that. Show Sample Output
This deals nicely with files having special characters in the file name (space ' or "). Parallel is from
xargs deals badly with special characters (such as space, ' and "). To see the problem try this: touch important_file touch 'not important_file' ls not* | xargs rm Parallel does not have this problem.
xargs deals badly with special characters (such as space, ' and "). In this case if you have a file called '12" record'. Parallel does not have this problem. Both solutions work bad if the number of files is more than the allowed line length of the shell.
xargs deals badly with special characters (such as space, ' and "). To see the problem try this: touch important_file touch 'not important_file' ls not* | xargs rm Parallel does not have this problem.
xargs deals badly with special characters (such as space, ' and "). To see the problem try this: touch important_file touch 'not important_file' ls not* | xargs rm Parallel does not have this problem.
A bit shorter and parallelized. Depending on the speed of your cpu and your disk this may run faster. Parallel is from
xargs deals badly with special characters (such as space, ' and "). To see the problem try this: touch important_file touch 'not important_file' ls not* | xargs rm Parallel does not have this problem.
Parallel is from Other examples would be: (echo; echo; echo | parallel traceroute seq -f %04g 0 9999 | parallel -X rm pict{}.jpg is the place to record those command-line gems that you return to again and again. That way others can gain from your CLI wisdom and you from theirs too. All commands can be commented on, discussed and voted up or down.
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