Commands by unixmonkey8121 (2)

  • eh stands for Edit History . Frequently, I'll mistype a command, and then step back through my history and correct the command. As a result, both the correct and incorrect commands are in my history file. I wanted a simple way to remove the incorrect command so I don't run it by mistake. . When running this function, first the ~/bash_history file is updated, then you edit the file in vi, and then the saved history file is loaded back into memory for current usage. . while in vi, remember that `Shift-G` sends you to the bottom of the file, and `dd` removes a line. . this command is different than bash built-in `fc` because it does not run the command after editing.

    eh () { history -a ; vi ~/.bash_history ; history -r ; }
    unixmonkey8121 · 2011-03-23 18:00:20 11
  • Finds all the closing tags in a HTML document via non-greedy regex and adds a linefeed for easier reading/editing . sed -i.bak -r 's_(/[^>]*?>)_\1\n_g' filename.html . This will save a copy of filename.html as filename.html.bak and then add the linefeeds to the original file Show Sample Output

    sed -r 's_(/[^>]*?>)_\1\n_g' filename.html
    unixmonkey8121 · 2011-03-12 14:35:52 9

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