Commands by vfmseo (0)

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Advanced python tracing
Trace python statement execution and syscalls invoked during that simultaneously

Calculates the date 2 weeks ago from Saturday the specified format.
Good for automating reports that need to run from between two dates.

List open sockets protocol/address/port/state/PID/program name

Connect to all running screen instances
There was another line that was dependent on having un-named screen sessions. This just wouldn't do. This one works no matter what the name is. A possible improvement would be removing the perl dependence, but that doesn't effect me.

Convert CSV to JSON
Replace 'csv_file.csv' with your filename.

Replace underscores with spaces in filenames and dirnames, recursively into subdirs.
Everyone wants to take spaces out of filenames. Forget that. I want to put them back in. We've got tools and filesystems that support spaces, they look better, so I'm going to use them. Because of how find works I find I need to run this multiple times, if it's renaming subdirs. But it can be re-run without issues. I got this version of the command from a comment in this underscore-generating command. All I did was change the regex.

Instant mirror from your laptop + webcam
Flips the y-axis to emulate a real mirror, uses low resolution for speed, this will also hide blemishes and the like :)

Print a row of characters across the terminal
shorter than alternative

Search commandlinefu from the command line
There's probably a more efficient way to do this rather than the relatively long perl program, but perl is my hammer, so text processing looks like a nail. This is of course a lot to type all at once. You can make it better by putting this somewhere: $ clf () { (curl -d "q=$@" 2>/dev/null) | egrep 'autocomplete|votes|destination' | perl -pi -e 's/$/\n\n/g;s/^ +|\([0-9]+ votes,//g;s/^\//http:\/\/\//g'; } Then, to look up any command, you can do this: $ clf diff This is similar to except that it's just one line, so more in the spirit of CLF, in my opinion.

Git diff last two commits
How about this one ?

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