Instead of using clipboard register after opening vim we can use this command in order to edit clipboard content. For those who already have "xclip -i -selection clipboard -o" aliased to pbpaste it is yet more simple, just: alias vcb='pbpaste | vim -'
kded --version return this Qt: 3.3.8b KDE: 3.5.10 KDE Daemon: $Id: kded.cpp 711061 2007-09-11 09:42:51Z tpatzig $ awk -F: ................. Awk Field separator NR == 2 ................. Register Number, second line {print $2} ............... second field sed 's/\s\+//g' .......... remove one space or more \s\+ changing by nothing Show Sample Output
when working with many machines in a computer lab need to know the IP addr is very large, this is a simplistic solution to make things easier Show Sample Output
This mapping function is called RANDOM bash and enter a number between 1 and 100 Show Sample Output
if I need get olnly from "folder/" Show Sample Output
-r to use extended regex ^ begin line | alternative get 100 or 0-9 one or two times Show Sample Output
# first install arp-scan if not have it arp-scan .... show ip+mac in localnet awk '/00:1b:11:dc:a9:65/ {print $1}' .... get ip associated with MAC ` backtick make do command substitution passing ip to command ping Show Sample Output
vim 7 or higher has internal sort, too 'sort n' for numbers
simple way to show free swap Show Sample Output
This create an array 'a' with wole lines. only one occurrence of each line - Not Get lines ++ !
show file withou duplicated lines
get files without extensions, get ASCII and utf-8 as "text/plain" Show Sample Output
fast method for insert ip range using vim Show Sample Output
Use this command to insert line numbers in source files, .' ' control how spaces you insert after number. Show Sample Output
create tar.bz2 package from files "-type f" modificated today "-mtime -1" in ~/project
rsync from source to dest all between >30
For use in scripts this command is very usefull
create tree of dir's in one command
change ":" in path for new line and associate word path to var $PATH
"." is current dir, maxdepth is the level, -print0 | xargs -0 fix spaces in names, -i interactive , ./ is the current dir {} actual name , and {,.bak} is the atual name + bak is the place to record those command-line gems that you return to again and again. That way others can gain from your CLI wisdom and you from theirs too. All commands can be commented on, discussed and voted up or down.
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