Commands by while0pass (2)

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Check These Out

Remove a range of lines from a file

ignore .DS_Store forever in GIT
With a couple of little commands, you?ll be able to ignore the .DS_Store files forever from your git repositories on mac! The following command will add the .gitignore file to the git configuration git config --global core.excludesfile ~/.gitignore then, the following, will add the .DS_Store to the list echo .DS_Store >> ~/.gitignore

List all open ports and their owning executables
Particularly useful on OS X where netstat doesn't have -p option.

Send a file to a pastebin from STDIN or a file, with a single function
echo "Hello world!" | sprunge # Redirect a stream to a pastebin sprunge ~/.bashrc # Send a file to a pastebin

List your largest installed packages (on Debian/Ubuntu)
dpigs is in the package debian-goodies (debian/ubuntu)

View internet connection activity in a browser
The output of lsof is piped to txt2html which converts it to html. # Perl module HTML::TextToHTML needed

runs a bash script in debugging mode

Get a process's pid by supplying its name

find read write traffic on disk since startup
The iostat command is used for monitoring system input/output device loading by observing the time the devices are active in relation to their average transfer rates. in ubuntu to get the iostat program do this: sudo apt-get install sysstat i found this command here:

Generate random IP addresses
It never ends

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