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Check These Out

Find passwords that has been stored as plain text in NetworkManager

Which processes are listening on a specific port (e.g. port 80)
swap out "80" for your port of interest. Can use port number or named ports e.g. "http"

Find broken symlinks
To understand why this is the equivalent of "find -L /path/to/search -type l, see or look at

resize all images in a folder

read squid logs with human-readable timestamp

Run a command as root, with a delay
$ sleep 1h ; sudo command or $ sudo sleep 1h ; sudo command won't work, because by the time the delay is up, sudo will want your password again.

Rescan partitions on a SCSI device
Used this after cloning a disk with dd to make the newly written partitions show up in /dev/

Partition a sequence of disk drives for LVM with fdisk
So, I'm using a CentOS VM in VirtualBox, and created four new disks in the SCSI controller. The VM created the folders: /dev/sda /dev/sdb /dev/sdc /dev/sdd Using a 'for loop' all disks are partitioned for LVM.

Makes the permissions of file2 the same as file1
same as the chmod example, but should also copy extended access control list attributes. deliberately stolen from: $man setfacl

Quick directory bookmarks
Set a bookmark as normal shell variable $ p=/cumbersome/path/to/project To go there $ to p This saves one "$" and is faster to type ;-) The variable is still useful as such: $ vim $p/ will expand the variable (at least in bash) and show a list of files to edit. If setting the bookmarks is too much typing you could add another function $ bm() { eval $1=$(pwd); } then bookmark the current directory with $ bm p

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