Commands by xmonkey (4)

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Check These Out

Look for English words in /dev/urandom
* to get the English dictionary: wget

list block devices
Shows all block devices in a tree with descruptions of what they are.

Speed up or slow down video (and audio)
Usage: videospeed video_filename speedchange newfilename videospeed foo.mp4 0.5 foo_slow.mp4 Range of 0.5 (50%) - 2.0 (200%) is valid.

List all available python modules

Quick screenshot
Requires ImageMagick. Takes a screenshot 5 seconds after it's run and saves it as desktop_screenshot.jpg Particularly handy when made into a menu option or button.

Most used command

list files recursively by size

Check if the files in current directory has the RPATH variable defined
Using gentoo prefix portage I got in a situation where some packages did not contain the needed RPATH variable. This command helped me to find out which ones I should recompile

Which processes are listening on a specific port (e.g. port 80)
swap out "80" for your port of interest. Can use port number or named ports e.g. "http"

5 Which Aliases
5 helpful aliases for using the which utility, specifically for the GNU which (2.16 tested) that is included in coreutils. Which is run first for a command. Same as type builtin minus verbosity $ alias which='{ command alias; command declare -f; } | command which --read-functions --read-alias' Which (a)lias $ alias whicha='command alias | command which --read-alias' Which (f)unction $ alias whichf='command declare -f | command which --read-functions' Which e(x)ecutable file in PATH $ alias whichx='command which' Which (all) alias, function, builtin, and files in PATH $ alias whichall='{ command alias; command declare -f; } | command which --read-functions --read-alias -a' # From my .bash_profile

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