Commands by xoheko1229 (0)

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Check These Out

Find processes stuck in dreaded "D" state aka IO Wait
Lots of fun to run on nfs clients when the server or network connection is having issues

Execute a command with a timeout
In this example the command "somecommand" will be executed and sent a SIGALARM signal if it runs for more than 10 seconds. It uses the perl alarm function. It's not 100% accurate on timing, but close enough. I found this really useful when executing scripts and commands that I knew might hang E.g. ones that connect to services that might not be running. Importantly this can be used within a sequential script. The command will not release control until either the command completes or the timeout is hit.

shutdown pc in a 4 hours
you may as well use shutdown -h 18:32 to shutdown your machine at 18:32.

What is my public IP-address?
Short command, easy to remember

Octal ls
Do ls with permissions written in octal form.

Download all mp3's listed in an html page

diff current vi buffer edits against original file

Use acpi and notify-send to report current temperature every five minutes.
Use acpi and notify-send to report current temperature every five minutes. Works best in a shell script run at startup. acpi is called for temperature and fed to notify-send for a tooltip. After waiting five minutes, it will start over.

split a multi-page PDF into separate files
Have to do this once per output file, because if device is 'pdfwrite', even if 'gs' sees '%d' in the OutputFile it still only creates one single output file. Embed it into a simple shell script if you want to split a document out into one file for every page.

Output Detailed Process Tree for any User
An easy function to get a process tree listing (very detailed) for all the processes of any gived user. This function is also in my

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