Commands by yakovlev (1)

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Rename files in batch

url shortner using google's shortner api
First get a api key for google url shortner from here Then replace the API_KEY in the command

change up n directories
Change n directories up, without parameters change one up

execute your commands hiding secret bits from history records
$ wget --user=username --password="$password" Instead of hiding commands entirely from history, I prefer to use "read" to put the password into a variable, and then use that variable in the commands instead of the password. Without the "-e" and "-s" it should work in any bourne-type shell, but the -s is what makes sure the password doesn't get echoed to the screen at all. (-e makes editing work a bit better)

Show all detected mountable Drives/Partitions/BlockDevices
Yields entries in the form of "/dev/hda1" etc. Use this if you are on a new system and don't know how the storage hardware (ide, sata, scsi, usb - with ever changing descriptors) is connected and which partitions are available. Far better than using "fdisk -l" on guessed device descriptors.

Quick command line math
expr will give you a quick way to do basic math from the CLI. Make sure you escape things like * and leave a space between operators and digits.

Change the extension of a filename by using rename to convert
This will change all files ending in .JPG to .jpg and will work with any file extension

Which processes are listening on a specific port (e.g. port 80)
swap out "80" for your port of interest. Can use port number or named ports e.g. "http"

Advanced python tracing
Trace python statement execution and syscalls invoked during that simultaneously

execute your commands hiding secret bits from history records
$ wget --user=username --password="$password" Instead of hiding commands entirely from history, I prefer to use "read" to put the password into a variable, and then use that variable in the commands instead of the password. Without the "-e" and "-s" it should work in any bourne-type shell, but the -s is what makes sure the password doesn't get echoed to the screen at all. (-e makes editing work a bit better)

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