Commands by yoursadvice (0)

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Install pip with Proxy
Installs pip packages defining a proxy

Calculate N!

Run netcat to server files of current folder

Tail a log-file over the network
it also works with the chrome browser. The alternative with tail and nc doesn't

Take screenshots with imagemagick
Now try this. Ones you see small cross arrow, double click on any window you like to make a screenshot "selectively".

Remove duplicate rows of an un-sorted file based on a single column
The command (above) will remove any duplicate rows based on the FIRST column of data in an un-sorted file. The '$1' represents a positional parameter. You can change both instances of '$1' in the command to remove duplicates based on a different column, for instance, the third: $ awk '{ if ($3 in stored_lines) x=1; else print; stored_lines[$3]=1 }' infile.txt > outfile.txt Or you can change it to '$0' to base the removal on the whole row: $ awk '{ if ($0 in stored_lines) x=1; else print; stored_lines[$0]=1 }' infile.txt > outfile.txt ** Note: I wouldn't use this on a MASSIVE file, unless you're RAM-rich ;) **

Advanced python tracing
Trace python statement execution and syscalls invoked during that simultaneously

A line across the entire width of the terminal
Use tput cols to find the width of the terminal and set it as the minimum field width.

Show your account and windows policy settings with Results of Policy msc.
Type this into windows via run and it will display to you your complete policy for windows. This includes group policy, security policy and your active directory account (min password etc)....

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