Commands by ztank1013 (9)

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Check These Out

Find usb device in realtime
Using this command you can track a moment when usb device was attached.

Google text-to-speech in mp3 format
same but redirecting to player and putting whaever text line.. works on my ubuntu machine ...

export iPad App list to txt file
This will generate the same output without changing the current directory, and filepath will be relative to the current directory. Note: it will (still) fail if your iTunes library is in a non-standard location.

List available upgrades from apt (package names only)
Usefull if you only want to see the package names, or if you want to use them in a script.

Remove embedded fonts from a pdf.
It's sometimes useful to strip the embedded fonts from a pdf, for importing into something like Inkscape. Be warned, this will increase the size of a pdf substantially. I tried this with only gs writing with -sDEVICE=pdfwrite but it doesn't seem to work, so I just pipe postscript output to ps2pdf for the same effect.

Get IPv4 of eth0 for use with scripts
I've been using it in a script to build from scratch proxy servers.

Show which process is blocking umount (Device or resource is busy)
Instead of using force un-mounting, it's better to find the processes that currently use the relevant folder. Taken from:

Extract multiple tar files at once in zsh
tar doesn't support wildcard for unpacking (so you can't use tar -xf *.tar) and it's shorter and simpler than for i in *.tar;do tar -xf $i;done (or even 'for i in *.tar;tar -xf $i' in case of zsh) -i says tar not to stop after first file (EOF)

Do one ping to a URL, I use this in a MRTG gauge graph to monitor connectivity

Rename duplicates from MusicBrainz Picard
Renames duplicates from MusicBrainz Picard, so you get the latest copy and not a bunch of duplicates.

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