Commands by zude (5)

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Setup an ssh tunnel
Uses ssh as tunnel tunnel for an other connection. -f runs ssh in the background -N tell that there is no command to run -L deals with the forwarding aspect where the first number is the local port number, the second is parameter is the name of the server to forward to and the third parameter is the port number on that server. The last part of the command is the usual ssh form consisting of the user name and remote server name

get the oldest file in a directory
reverse the sorting of ls to get the newest file: $ls -1tr --group-directories-first /path/to/dir/ | tail -n 1 Problems: If there are no files in the directory you will get a directory or nothing.

Resolve the "all display buffers are busy, please try later" error on a Foundry

Merge PDFs with Ghostscript wrapped in a function
This is an expansion on a previous entry, which I've wrapped in a function and placed in my profile. The "$@" is a positional parameter, much like "$*", but the parameters are passed on intact, without interpretation or expansion; so you can simply call the function like this: mergepdf * This will output a merged PDF of all PDFs in the current directory. Alternatively, you can simply list them like so: mergepdf 00.pdf 01.pdf 02.pdf ... N.B. Passing a wildcard will merge all PDFs in the current directory in name order, e.g. 00.pdf 01.pdf aa.pdf ab.pdf

lsof - cleaned up for just open listening ports, the process, and the owner of the process
another formatting/oneliner for lsof User - Process - Port

determine if tcp port is open
@putnamhill, no need if statement in that case. && is a AND and || is a OR

list block devices
Shows all block devices in a tree with descruptions of what they are.

Add a shadow to picture
Please take notice that if you are going to use an JPG file for shadow effect, let change -background none to -background white! Because -background none make a transparent effect while JPG doesn't support transparent! And when viewing, you will get a bacl box! So we will use an white background under! We can use other color as well!

set a reminder for 5 days in the future
setup for reminder in 5 days, added the date in the future. To run a job at 4pm three days from now, you would do at 4pm + 3 days, to run a job at 10:00am on July 31, you would do at 10am Jul 31 and to run a job at 1am tomorrow, you would do at 1am tomorrow.

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