why go through the hard way? use find with -type l
Many competing commands to do this, but since most people want a Long list with Human readable files sizes and want to see All files (including hidden (.*) files) this one wins on simplicity and usefulness. Plus grep is just as, if not more portable than sed or awk, and is more widely understood. :) Show Sample Output
My netcat (nc-1.84-10.fc6) doesn't have the -e option, so I have to do it like this. Of course, instead of bash, you can use any executable, including scripts.
this is the most scary command that exists. read the hdparm man page. and see this post: http://dazzle.cs.mcgill.ca/wordpress/?p=36 Show Sample Output
The downside of output redirection is that you need permissions. So something like
> file
won't play nicely w/ sudo. You'd need to do something like
bash -c '> file'
instead, you could go w/
sudo truncate -s0 file
Better don't run this command. Only funny on machines you'd like to kill.
notice what happens when there is more than one unread message in a thread... also people please dont hardcode the password when you use curl. Leave it out and curl will ask you when it runs. Please...? Show Sample Output
Have to run as superuser... but easier and more informational if you are looking for actual devices. Need to install arp-scan. Show Sample Output
There are several other options. This one is plain and simple. Another option is: nmap -sP Show Sample Output
This is a simple BASH script which with gather basic system hardware such as CPU sockets and cores, Memory modules and sizes as well as overall memory and more. Root access may be needed to pull information from 'dmidecode' Show Sample Output
The Linux kernel uses unused memory in caches. When you execute "free" you never get the "real" available memory. Show Sample Output
Kills a process matching program. I suggest using $ pgrep -fl program to avoid over-killings Nice the following: kills all bash process owned by guest $ pkill -9 -f bash -u guest
This will issue a shutdown command to the Windows machine. username must be an administrator on the Windows machine. Requires samba-common package installed. Other relevant commands are: net rpc shutdown -r : reboot the Windows machine net rpc abortshutdown : abort shutdown of the Windows machine Type: net rpc to show all relevant commands
I used an flv in my example, but it'll work on any file ffmpeg supports. It says it wants an output file, but it tells what you want to know without one. Show Sample Output
Place microphone near speaker and enjoy
Use Ctrl-] to stop it. Show Sample Output
Judging by the quality of suggestions lately I thought I'd better join in Show Sample Output
Prepending one or more spaces to your command won't be saved in history. Useful for pr0n or passwords on the commandline. Tested on BASH. Show Sample Output
Use "killall bash" to stop it.
Classic BASH fork bomb. DO NOT USE! Show Sample Output
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