EDIT: command updated to support accented characters! Works in any of 58 google supported languages (some sound like crap, english is the best IMO). You get a mp3 file containing your query in spoken language. There is a limit of 100 characters for the "q" parameter, so be careful. The "tl" parameter contains target language.
Sends a string to google tranlator, which converts it to English speech. It's possible to create a nice script to do the job for us, such as #!/bin'bash curl -A "Mozilla" " /tmp/speak.mp3 mplayer /tmp/speak.mp3
Example of using zsh glob qualifier ... "." = files "f:" = files with access rights matching: o+w = other plus write
This will unarchive the entire working directory. Good for torrents (I don't know why they put each file into a seperate archive).
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