Commands matching netstat (162)

  • -3
    netstat -ie
    minigeek · 2012-08-07 01:57:49 4
  • The -p parameter tell the netstat to display the PID and name of the program to which each socket belongs or in digestible terms list the program using the net.Hope you know what pipe symbol means! Presently we wish to only moniter tcp connections so we ask grep to scan for string tcp, now from the op of grep tcp we further scan for regular expression /[a-z]*. Wonder what that means ? If we look at the op of netstat -p we can see that the name of the application is preceded by a / ( try netstat -p ) so,now i assume application name contains only characters a to z (usually this is the case) hope now it makes some sense.Regular expression /[a-z]* means to scan a string that start with a / and contains zero or more characters from the range a-z !!. Foof .. is t Show Sample Output

    while true; do netstat -p |grep "tcp"|grep --color=always "/[a-z]*";sleep 1;done
    buffer · 2009-07-16 04:52:49 7

  • -4
    while sleep 1; do date; (netstat -a -n | grep 80) ; done
    hute37 · 2011-05-16 07:56:56 6
  • netstat has two lines of headers: Active Internet connections (w/o servers) Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State Added a filter in the awk command to remove them

    netstat -ntu | awk ' $5 ~ /^[0-9]/ {print $5}' | cut -d: -f1 | sort | uniq -c | sort -n
    letterj · 2011-07-04 20:23:21 9
  • Ok so it's rellay useless line and I sorry for that, furthermore that's nothing optimized at all... At the beginning I didn't managed by using netstat -p to print out which process was handling that open port 4444, I realize at the end I was not root and security restrictions applied ;p It's nevertheless a (good ?) way to see how ps(tree) works, as it acts exactly the same way by reading in /proc So for a specific port, this line returns the calling command line of every thread that handle the associated socket

    p=$(netstat -nate 2>/dev/null | awk '/LISTEN/ {gsub (/.*:/, "", $4); if ($4 == "4444") {print $8}}'); for i in $(ls /proc/|grep "^[1-9]"); do [[ $(ls -l /proc/$i/fd/|grep socket|sed -e 's|.*\[\(.*\)\]|\1|'|grep $p) ]] && cat /proc/$i/cmdline && echo; done
    j0rn · 2009-04-30 12:39:48 779
  • Just find out the daemon with $ netstat -atulpe. Then type in his name and he gets the SIGTERM.

    kill_daemon() { echo "Daemon?"; read dm; kill -15 $(netstat -atulpe | grep $dm | cut -d '/' -f1 | awk '{print $9}') }; alias kd='kill_daemon
    P17 · 2009-05-26 20:39:56 7
  • HP UX doesn't have a -a switch in the ifconfig command. This line emulates the same result shown in Solaris, AIX or Linux Show Sample Output

    for i in `netstat -rn |grep lan |cut -c55-60 |sort |uniq`; do ifconfig $i; done
    Kaio · 2010-01-28 17:35:20 6

  • -5
    netstat -nlput
    techie · 2013-05-09 08:15:04 6

  • -6
    netstat -an | grep -i listen
    lfcipriani · 2009-03-27 13:19:29 9
  • Affiche des infos detaillees sur vos connexions reseaux. Port en ?coute, protocole, paquets, adresses, ustilisateur, PID etc...

    netstat -taupe
    farwarx · 2009-05-25 12:46:38 5

  • -8
    netstat -luntp
    lunarblu · 2010-04-14 19:54:17 19
  • عرض الاتصالات لبورت ٢٢

    netstat -antp | grep 22
    WhiteHatsCom · 2010-08-05 15:53:41 10
  • ‹ First  < 5 6 7

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