Shows how many Windows and Linux devices are on your network. May add support for others, but that's all that are on my network right now. Show Sample Output
It takes over 5 seconds to scan a single port on a single host using nmap
time (nmap -p 80 &> /dev/null)
real 0m5.109s
user 0m0.102s
sys 0m0.004s
It took netcat about 2.5 minutes to scan port 80 on the class C
time (for NUM in {1..255} ; do nc -w 1 -z -v 192.168.1.${NUM} 80 ; done &> /dev/null)
real 2m28.651s
user 0m0.136s
sys 0m0.341s
Using parallel, I am able to scan port 80 on the entire class C in under 2 seconds
time (seq 1 255 | parallel -j255 'nc -w 1 -z -v 192.168.1.{} 80' &> /dev/null)
real 0m1.957s
user 0m0.457s
sys 0m0.994s
Waits for all pings to complete and returns ip with mac address
--open -sV is not needed if you are only looking for hosts with 22 open Show Sample Output
populate the auth.hosts file with a list of IP addresses that are authorized to be in use and when you run this command it will return the addresses that are pingable and not in the authorized list. Can be combined with the "Command line Twitter" command to tweet unauthorized access. Show Sample Output
It never ends Show Sample Output
This will save and execute your python script every time your press the F5 function key. It can also be added to your .vimrc: autocmd BufRead *.py nmap :w^M:!python % NOTE: the ^M is not just caret-M, it can be created by type: ctrl-v ctrl-m Show Sample Output
avoid wc overload ;)
This will handle multiple incoming connections. Also, found sed works best with -u flag (unbuffered io). Easiest way I've found to get ncat is to install nmap.
TCP Connect scanning for localhost and network Show Sample Output
This command will display only the hosts that are active in the network. Show Sample Output
You can use that to create a excludefile for nmap, to find hosts, with no DHCP lease in your DHCP range. Show Sample Output
the command for the impatient sysadmin: simply checks every five secs, if a host or a specific service running on it is up. ideal for hosts that are configured not to respond on pings. Show Sample Output
This is wonderful perl script to check the web server security and vulnerability .Get it from here : Here are some key features of "Nikto": ? Uses rfp's LibWhisker as a base for all network funtionality ? Main scan database in CSV format for easy updates ? Determines "OK" vs "NOT FOUND" responses for each server, if possible ? Determines CGI directories for each server, if possible ? Switch HTTP versions as needed so that the server understands requests properly ? SSL Support (Unix with OpenSSL or maybe Windows with ActiveState's Perl/NetSSL) ? Output to file in plain text, HTML or CSV ? Generic and "server type" specific checks ? Plugin support (standard PERL) ? Checks for outdated server software ? Proxy support (with authentication) ? Host authentication (Basic) ? Watches for "bogus" OK responses ? Attempts to perform educated guesses for Authentication realms ? Captures/prints any Cookies received ? Mutate mode to "go fishing" on web servers for odd items ? Builds Mutate checks based on robots.txt entries (if present) ? Scan multiple ports on a target to find web servers (can integrate nmap for speed, if available) ? Multiple IDS evasion techniques ? Users can add a custom scan database ? Supports automatic code/check updates (with web access) ? Multiple host/port scanning (scan list files) ? Username guessing plugin via the cgiwrap program and Apache ~user methods Show Sample Output is the place to record those command-line gems that you return to again and again. That way others can gain from your CLI wisdom and you from theirs too. All commands can be commented on, discussed and voted up or down.
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