Commands tagged sort (176)

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diff current vi buffer edits against original file

Parse m3u playlist file for total time
Parse an m3u file with seconds for each item and output the length of the entire playlist

generate random password (works on Mac OS X)
Prepending env LC_CTYPE=C fixes a problem with bad bytes in /dev/urandom on Mac OS X

Get AWS temporary credentials ready to export based on a MFA virtual appliance
You might want to secure your AWS operations requiring to use a MFA token. But then to use API or tools, you need to pass credentials generated with a MFA token. This commands asks you for the MFA code and retrieves these credentials using AWS Cli. To print the exports, you can use: `awk '{ print "export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=\"" $1 "\"\n" "export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=\"" $2 "\"\n" "export AWS_SESSION_TOKEN=\"" $3 "\"" }'` You must adapt the command line to include: * $MFA_IDis ARN of the virtual MFA or serial number of the physical one * TTL for the credentials

This allows you to find a string on a set of files recursivly
The -r is for recursive, -F for fixed strings, --include='*.txt' identifies you want all txt files to be search any wildcard will apply, then the string you are looking for and the final * to ensure you go through all files and folders within the folder you execute it.

a short counter
Maybe you know shorter ?

Get all files of particular type (say, PDF) listed on some wegpage (say,
This example command fetches '' webpage and then fetches+saves all PDF files listed (linked to) on that webpage. [*Note: of course there are no PDFs on This is just an example]

Rsync a directory excluding pesky .svn dirs

determine if tcp port is open
for udp nmap -sU -p 80 hostname

SSH tunneling self-connection
- port 8080 on localhost will be a SOCKSv5 proxy - at localhost:localport1 you will be connected to the external source server1:remoteport1 and at bind_address2:localport2 to server2:remoteport2 - you will be using only IPv4 and arcfour/blowfish-cbc, in order to speed up the tunnel - if you lose the connection, autossh will resume it at soon as possible - the tunnel is here a background process, wiithout any terminal window open

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