Commands tagged argument (8)

  • After executing a command with multiple arguments like cp ./temp/ ~/prog/ you can paste any argument of the previous command to the console, like ls -l ALT+1+. is equivalent to ls -l ./temp/ ALT+0+. stands for command itself ('ls' in this case) Simple ALT+. cycles through last arguments of previous commands.

    <ALT>+<.> or <ALT>+<NUM>+<.> or <ALT>+<NUM>,<ALT>+<.>
    aikikode · 2011-03-01 17:41:08 5
  • Bash's history expansion character, "!", has many features, including "!:" for choosing a specific argument (or range of arguments) from the history. The gist is any number after !: is the number of the argument you want, with !:1 being the first argument and !:0 being the command. See the sample output for a few examples. For full details search for "^HISTORY EXPANSION" in the bash(1) man page.    Note that this version improves on the previous function in that it handles arguments that include whitespace correctly. Show Sample Output

    hackerb9 · 2013-09-15 03:41:13 8
  • if you want to move with command mv large list of files than you would get following error /bin/mv: Argument list too long alternavite with exec: find /source/directory -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -name '*' -exec mv {} /target/directory \; Show Sample Output

    find /source/directory -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -name '*' -print0 | xargs -0 mv -t /target/directory;
    aysadk · 2020-11-17 12:30:45 388
  • A really fun vim oneliner for auto documenting your option's parsing in your script. # print the text embeded in the case that parse options from command line. # the block is matched with the marker 'CommandParse' in comment, until 'esac' extract_cmdl_options() { # use vim for parsing: # 1st grep the case block and copy in register @p + unindent in the buffer of the file itself # 2nd filter lines which start with --opt or +opt and keep comment on hte following lines until an empty line # 3rd discard changes in the buffer and quit vim -n -es -c 'g/# CommandParse/+2,/^\s\+esac/-1 d p | % d | put p | % -c 'g/^\([-+]\+[^)]\+\))/,/^\(\s\+[^- \t#]\|^$\)/-1 p' \ -c 'q!' $0 } example code: Show Sample Output

    vim -n -es -c 'g/# CommandParse/+2,/^\s\+esac/-1 d p | % d | put p | %<' -c 'g/^\([-+]\+[^)]\+\))/,/^\(\s\+[^- \t#]\|^$\)/-1 p' -c 'q!' $0
    syladmin · 2009-12-19 08:32:00 7
  • If Argument $1 is supplied, assign it to variable. Otherwise continue on.

    [ $1 ] && my_dir=$1
    robinsonaarond · 2011-11-30 15:02:20 4
  • This gets the Nth argument in the last line of your history file. This is useful where history is being written after each command, and you want to use arguments from the previous command in the current command, such as when doing copies/moving directories etc. I wrote this after getting irritated with having to continually type in long paths/arguments. You could also use $_ if all you want is the last argument. Show Sample Output

    function garg () { tail -n 1 ${HISTFILE} | awk "{ print \$$1 }" }
    plasticphyte · 2013-09-10 04:07:46 11

  • 0
    _autoOptions() { local cur=${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]} COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "--fooOption --barOption -f -b" -- $cur) ) ;}; complete -F _autoOptions autoOptions
    totti · 2013-10-16 09:46:54 10
  • This is a alternate command I like to use instead of TOP or HTOP to see what are the processes which are taking up the most memory on a system. It shows the username, process ID, CPU usage, Memory usage, thread ID, Number of threads associated with parent process, Resident Set Size, Virtual Memory Size, start time of the process, and command arguments. Then it's sorted by memory and showing the top 10 with head. This of course can be changed to suit you needs. I have a small system which is why Firefox is taking so much resources. Show Sample Output

    watch -n .8 'ps -eaLo uname,pid,pcpu,pmem,lwp,nlwp,rss,vsz,start_time,args --sort -pmem| head -10'
    ubercoo · 2016-05-11 01:05:53 11

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Check These Out

Use md5sum to check your music and movie files. Also use diff.
This is a beginning script. You can create a file with > filename. You can also use diff to compare output run at different times to verify no change in your files. I apologize in advance if this is too simple. For some it should be a start.

Pass TAB as field separator to sort, join, cut, etc.
Use this BASH trick to create a variable containing the TAB character and pass it as the argument to sort, join, cut and other commands which don't understand the \t notation. $ sort -t $'\t' ... $ join -t $'\t' ... $ cut -d $'\t' ...

Suppress output of loud commands you don't want to hear from
Suppresses all output to /dev/null. This could be expanded to check for a -l command line option to log the stderr to a file maybe -l file or -l to log to default quietly.log. I'm finding that I use it more often than one would think.

Use acpi and notify-send to report current temperature every five minutes.
Use acpi and notify-send to report current temperature every five minutes. Works best in a shell script run at startup. acpi is called for temperature and fed to notify-send for a tooltip. After waiting five minutes, it will start over.

Pipe STDOUT to vim
The hyphen tells vim to open from STDOUT - saves having to create temporary files.

Get info on RAM Slots and Max RAM.

Flush and then immediately start watching a file
This is useful for keeping an eye on an error log while developing. The !^ pulls the first arg from the previous command (which needs to be run in a sub-shell for this shortcut to work).

Find usb device
I often use it to find recently added ou removed device, or using find in /dev, or anything similar. Just run the command, plug the device, and wait to see him and only him

convert video to gif by ffmpeg and imagemagick
you can use any common video format. if you don't need to change the size of gif output, just remove `-vf scale=320:-1` btw, 320:-1 means width is 320px and height would be set automatically

Bash autocomplete case insensitive search
Change bash autocomplete case search to insensitive when pressing tab for completion.

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