This command 1. SSH into a machine 2. Tunnels VNC port to your local computer ("-L 5900:localhost:5900") 3. Runs a single use vnc server ("x11vnc -safer -localhost -nopw -once -display :0") 4. Goes into the background ("-f") 5. Runs VNC viewer on the local computer connecting to the remote machine via the newly created SSH tunnel ("vinagre localhost:5900")
While `sshfs $REMOTE_HOST:$REMOTE_PATH $LOCAL_PATH` "pulls" a directory from the remote server to the local host, the above command does the reverse and "pushes" a directory from the local host to the remote server. This makes use of the "slave" option of sshfs which instructs it to communicate over plain stdin/stdout and the `dpipe` tool from vde2 to connect the sftp-server stdout to the sshfs stdin and vice-versa.
This creates a persistent ssh -i /path/to/key -ND local-IP:PORT User@Server connection. You may have to install autossh. -f puts in daemon mode. if you are having trouble, try it without -f.
Create a persistent remote Proxy server through an SSH channel. Show Sample Output
It requires, that comes with brew: brew install jq Show Sample Output
Really useful when out of space in your current machine.
You can ran this also with cat for example:
tar zcvf - /folder/ | ssh root@ "cat > /dest/folder/file.tar.gz"
Or even run other command's:
tcpdump | ssh root@ "cat > /tmp/tcpdump.log"
Requires software found at:
Remote [A] (with physical serial port connected to device)
./remserial -d -p 23000 -s "115200 raw" /dev/ttyS0 &
Local [B] (running the program that needs to connect to serial device)
Create a SSH tunnel to the remote server:
ssh -N -L 23000:localhost:23000 user@hostwithphysicalserialport
Use the locally tunnelled port to connect the local virtual serial port to the remote real physical port:
./remserial -d -r localhost -p 23000 -l /dev/remser1 /dev/ptmx &
Example: Running minicom on machine B using serial /dev/remser1 will actually connect you to whatever device is plugged into machine A's serial port /dev/ttyS0.
Check the ssh_config file and set the variable: StrictHostKeyChecking no
Ever wanted to stream your favorite podcast across the network, well now you can. This command will parse the iTunes enabled podcast and stream the latest episode across the network through ssh encryption. Show Sample Output disassembles TCP packets, sends them over SSH, assembles and forwards on the server side, and vice versa.
Create a secure tunnelled connection for access to a remote MySQL database. For example, connect with MySQL Workbench to root@ Show Sample Output is the place to record those command-line gems that you return to again and again. That way others can gain from your CLI wisdom and you from theirs too. All commands can be commented on, discussed and voted up or down.
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