Commands tagged wireless (10)

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Check These Out

Turning off display
To turn off monitor: xset dpms force off To turn on, simply press a key, or move mouse/mousepad.

create iso image from a directory
create iso image from directory . Usefull for virtualised machine To create CD ISO image of directories that contain long file name or non-8.3 format (particularly if you want to burn the CD image for use in Windows system), use the -J option switch that generates Joliet directory records in addition to regular iso9660 file names. For example, to create CD image of Vista SP1 directory: mkisofs -o VitaSP1.iso -J VistaSP1

grab all of google IPv4 network blocks

Get Dell Service Tag Number from a Dell Machine
This will give you the Dell Service tag number associated with your machine. Incredibly useful when you need that number for tech support or downloads.

Display current time in requested time zones.
The time zone names come from the tz database which is usually found at /usr/share/zoneinfo.

prints line numbers

Command to Show a List of Special Characters for bash prompt (PS1)
I use this command (PS1) to show a list bash prompt's special characters. I tested it against A flavor of Red Hat Linux and Mac OS X

Check if system is 32bit or 64bit
Needed a quick way to see if my server distro that I setup years ago was running 32bit or not, since with time I had forgotten. Note: does not check _hardware_ e.g. /proc/cpuinfo but rather the kernel installed

check open ports without netstat or lsof

Chage default shell for all users [FreeBSD]
This command will set bash as the default shell for all users in a FreeBSD system.

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