awk is evil! Show Sample Output
Here is a command line to run on your server if you think your server is under attack. It prints our a list of open connections to your server and sorts them by amount.
BSD Version:
netstat -na |awk '{print $5}' |cut -d "." -f1,2,3,4 |sort |uniq -c |sort -nr
Show Sample Output
... plus do a sort according frequency Show Sample Output
This command checks for the number of times when someone has tried to login to your server and failed. If there are a lot, then that user is being targeted on your system and you might want to make sure that user either has remote logins disabled, or has a strong password, or both. If your output has an "invalid" line, it is a summary of all logins from users that don't exist on your system. Show Sample Output
The cut should match the relevant timestamp part of the logfile, the uniq will count the number of occurrences during this time interval. Show Sample Output
You can use only awk
Change the cut range for hits per 10 sec, minute and so on... Grep can be used to filter on url or source IP. Show Sample Output
Works on current directory, with built-in sorting. Show Sample Output
Reads stdin, and outputs each line only once - without sorting ahead of time. This does use more memory than your system's sort utility.
Once you get into advanced/optimized scripts, functions, or cli usage, you will use the sort command alot. The options are difficult to master/memorize however, and when you use sort commands as much as I do (some examples below), it's useful to have the help available with a simple alias. I love this alias as I never seem to remember all the options for sort, and I use sort like crazy (much better than uniq for example).
# Sorts by file permissions
find . -maxdepth 1 -printf '%.5m %10M %p\n' | sort -k1 -r -g -bS 20%
00761 drwxrw---x ./tmp
00755 drwxr-xr-x .
00701 drwx-----x ./askapache-m
00644 -rw-r--r-- ./.htaccess
# Shows uniq history fast
history 1000 | sed 's/^[0-9 ]*//' | sort -fubdS 50%
exec bash -lxv
export TERM=putty-256color
Taken from my
Show Sample Output
I'm sure there's a more elegant sed version for the tr + grep section.
list top committers (and number of their commits) of svn repository. in this example it counts revisions of current directory. Show Sample Output
Get the longest match of file extension (Ex. For 'foo.tar.gz', you get '.tar.gz' instead of '.gz') Show Sample Output
Displays the duplicated lines in a file and their occuring frequency.
Counts TCP states from Netstat and displays in an ordered list. Show Sample Output
use Linux ;) Show Sample Output
Just a little simplification.
If your grep doesn't have an -o option, you can use sed instead.
A shorter version Show Sample Output
shows number of mysql bin log events (which are mysql server events) per minute, useful to check stress times postmortem Show Sample Output is the place to record those command-line gems that you return to again and again. That way others can gain from your CLI wisdom and you from theirs too. All commands can be commented on, discussed and voted up or down.
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