Requires Linux Remind: and Growl on the Mac: growlnotify needs to be in the executable path on the mac. Combined with "prowl" in the iPhone you can receive push notifications of your reminders to the iPhone.
Adds up the total memory used by all Stainless processes: 1 Stainless, 1 StainlessManager and 1 StainlessClient per tab open. Show Sample Output
This command will use the short username (ie: bsmith) instead of the full (or long) name (ie: Bob Smith), by default in the network authentication dialog, ie: when connecting to servers. Resulting in one less step/time saved. Simply change the boolean value to "NO" (ie: "... -bool NO") to revert to the system's default behavior.
Syntax: google query_with_spaces " so, make sure to end your query with a double quote Show Sample Output
Insert an additional (moveable) spacer on the left side of the Dock in Mac OS X
Insert an additional (moveable) spacer on the right side of the Dock in Mac OS X
In Mac OS X, by default, you have to click the mouse on a Terminal window before you can type in it. You can change this behavior to mimic the X11 behavior of focusing on the window on mouseover.
Better to use this command instead of installing whole new application to check the battery stats. Show Sample Output
Remove MACOSX autocreated files from zip/war archives Show Sample Output
Compare the content of the files in the current directory with files of the same name in the duplicate directory.
Pop Quiz: You have a duplicate of a directory with files of the same name that might differ. What do you do?
You could use diff to compare the directories, but that's boring and it isn't as clever as find -print0 with xargs.
Note: You must omit stderr redirect 2>/dev/null to see the list of missing files from DUPDIR, if any.
Hint: Redirect stderr to a new file to produce a more readable list of files that are missing from DUPDIR.
Warning: This doesn't tell you if DUPDIR contains files not found in the current directory so don't delete DUPDIR.
Show Sample Output
When you press "cmd+n" in TextMate, you can have "HTML" language as default document format... You can also define other languages too. You need to know the UUID of your language bundle.
Using the COPYFILE_DISABLE=true environment variable you can prevent tar from adding any ._-files to your .tar-file on Mac OS X.
Shows a list of all installed cows saying a fortune. Also lists the cows names. Pic your favorite cow! Needs cowsay, fortune and ruby installed. The path only applies to OS X with cowsay installed using homebrew. On Linux it might be /usr/share/cowsay/cows/ or similar. Uses ruby just because. Show Sample Output
When you use the "exit" command in a Linux terminal window, it not only closes the terminal window itself but also the terminal emulator app, such as GNOME Terminal or Konsole, that it belongs to. If you use the "exit" command on macOS, however, still shows a dot below its Dock icon and is still running in the background. This alias, when entered into ~/.zshrc, overrides this behavior.
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