Why remember? Generate! Up to 48 chars, works on any unix-like system (NB: BSD use md5 instead of md5sum) Show Sample Output
Avoiding a for loop brought this time down to less than 3 seconds on my old machine. And just to be clear, 33554432 = 8192 * 4086.
Would create a file with a meaningful title. Dedicated to John Cons, who is annoying us users. Merry Christmas!!! Show Sample Output
I have a mac, and do not want to install mac ports to get the base64 binary. Using openssl will do the trick just fine. Note, to decode base64, specify a '-d' after 'base64' in the command. Note also the files base64.decoded.txt and base64.encoded.txt are text files.
Of course you will have to install Digest::SHA and perl before this will work :) Maximum length is 43 for SHA256. If you need more, use SHA512 or the hexadecimal form: sha256_hex() Show Sample Output
Just for fun, I searched a simple way to encrypt some text. Simple base64 encoding seemed a good start so I decided to "amplify" encoding using repeted base64 encoding. Of course, this is not really secure but can be useful to hide datas to most part of humans ;). Do not hesitate to provide better solutions or else. Show Sample Output
Using the 'time' command, running this with 'tr' took 28 seconds (and change) each time but using base64 only took 8 seconds (and change). If the file doesn't have to be viewable, pulling straight from urandom with head only took 6 seconds (and change)
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