Commands tagged bashrc (15)

  • You need to have fortune and cowsay installed. It uses a subshell to list cow files in you cow directory (this folder is default for debian based systems, others might use another folder). you can add it to your .bashrc file to have it great you with something interesting every time you start a new session. Show Sample Output

    fortune | cowsay -f $(ls /usr/share/cowsay/cows/ | shuf -n1)
    zed · 2010-07-08 02:57:52 10
  • * Add comment with # in your command * Later you can search that command on that comment with CTRL+R In the title command, you could search it later by invoking the command search tool by first typing CTRL+R and then typing "revert" Show Sample Output

    svn up -r PREV # revert
    unixmonkey10719 · 2010-07-07 23:09:00 18
  • Makes bash-4.x like zsh. Automatic cd into a directory if a command with that name doesnt exists. Ready for your ~/.bashrc file Show Sample Output

    shopt -s autocd
    xeor · 2010-12-12 20:53:33 4
  • This is useful if you use a shell with a lot of other users. You will be able to run "topu" to see your running processes instead of the complete 'top -u username'. Read more on alias:

    echo "alias topu='top -u USERNAME'" >> ~/.bash_aliases && source .bashrc
    TheLugal · 2011-07-07 08:24:06 4

  • 1
    echo 'export PROMPT_COMMAND="history -a; history -c; history -r; $PROMPT_COMMAND"' >> .bashrc
    qdrizh · 2015-03-09 19:57:56 8
  • If you have a lot of hosts in /etc/hosts this would be very useful. Anyone have any more concise examples?

    complete -W "$(sed 's/;.*//;' /etc/hosts | awk ' /^[[:digit:]]/ {$1 = "";print tolower($0)}')" ssh
    daodennis · 2011-06-20 03:54:45 4
  • Typographically speaking, it's generally the [accepted wisdom][1] that about 60 characters per line makes for optimal reading (would that more Web pages followed this convention!). I know I got tired of reading manpages with text as wide as my screen! However, the command above sets manwidth to 70 rather than 60 because paragraphs in manpages are generally indented. I recommend the following snippet for your .${SHELL}rc, which sets manwidth to 70 unless your terminal is smaller than 70 characters: function man () { if [[ $COLUMNS -gt 70 ]]; then MANWIDTH=70 command man $* else command man $* fi } [1]:

    MANWIDTH=70 man 7 man
    escondida · 2012-01-13 19:42:30 5
  • # AllInOne: Update what packages are available, upgrade to new versions, remove unneeded packages # (some are no longer needed, replaced by the ones from ap upgrade), check for dependencies # and clean local cached packages (saved on disk but not installed?,some are needed? [this only cleans unneeded unlike ap clean]). # aliases (copy into ~/.bashrc file): alias a='alias' a ap='apt-get' a r='ap autoremove -y' a up='ap update' a u='up && ap upgrade -y --show-progress && r && ap check && ap autoclean' # && means "and run if the previous succeeded", you can change it to ; to "run even if previous failed". I'm not sure if ap check should be before or after ap upgrade -y, you can also change the alias names. # To expand aliases in bash use ctrl alt e or see this # For more useful aliases go to

    apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade -y --show-progress && apt-get autoremove -y && apt-get check && apt-get autoclean -y
    unixmonkey78577 · 2014-07-26 12:18:57 6
  • extract () { if [ -f $1 ] ; then case $1 in *.tar.bz2) tar xvjf $1 ;; *.tar.gz) tar xvzf $1 ;; *.tar.xz) tar Jxvf $1 ;; *.bz2) bunzip2 $1 ;; *.rar) unrar x $1 ;; *.gz) gunzip $1 ;; *.tar) tar xvf $1 ;; *.tbz2) tar xvjf $1 ;; *.tgz) tar xvzf $1 ;; *.zip) unzip $1 ;; *.Z) uncompress $1 ;; *.7z) 7z x $1 ;; *) echo "don't know how to extract '$1'..." ;; esac read -r -p "Delete the compressed file? [Y/N] " response response=${response,,} # tolower if [[ $response =~ ^([Yy]es|YES|[Yy])$ ]]; then echo "rm '$1'" rm $1 fi else echo "'$1' is not a valid file!" fi }

    extract file.tar.gz
    asdzxc · 2015-02-08 11:17:12 9
  • compress(){ # compress [FIle/Folder] [NewFileName].[Suffix] # compress image.jpg pictures.tar.bz2 # compress Document/ folder.rar if [ -f $1 ] || [ -d $1 ]; then case $2 in *.tar.bz2) tar -jcvf $2 $1 ;; *.tar.gz) tar -zcvpf $2 $1 ;; *.tar) tar -cvpf $2 $1 ;; *.zip) zip -r $2 $1 ;; *.rar) rar a -r -rr10 $2 $1 ;; *) echo "don't know how to compres '$1'..." ;; esac else echo "'$1' is not a valid file or folder2" fi }

    compress pictures/ pictures.tar.gz
    asdzxc · 2015-02-08 11:28:30 13
  • to run write: Sound-volume 30% or Sound-volume 1% Sound-volume 100% Show Sample Output

    alias Sound-volume='amixer -D pulse sset Master '
    asdzxc · 2015-02-08 11:36:44 11
  • alias screen-brightness='xbacklight -set' alias screen-off='xset dpms force standby' alias screen-min='xbacklight -set 1' alias screen-max='xbacklight -set 100' alias screen-inc='xbacklight -inc 10' alias screen-dec='xbacklight -dec 10'

    xbacklight -set 100
    asdzxc · 2015-02-08 12:12:16 8
  • Adds a shortcut (bash alias) for a lightweight detachable 'multi-windowed' cli terminal session to bashrc. Uses 'abduco' (supersedes 'dtach') to implement a personal default detachable terminal session with a 'windowed' terminal UI provided by 'dvtm'. "-A" option allows the shortcut "wm" to be used to both instigate and re-attach to session "your_title_here". "-M" options stops 'dvtm' from changing your default mouse behavior.

    echo 'alias wm="abduco -A your_title_here dvtm -M"' >> ~/.bashrc
    kevjonesin · 2016-03-06 07:42:38 13

  • -2
    complete -W "$(echo `cat ~/.ssh/known_hosts | cut -f 1 -d ' ' | sed -e s/,.*//g | uniq | grep -v "\["`;)" ssh
    sammcj · 2011-06-01 23:21:06 6
  • To install on centos 6.2 for Centos auto accept: yum install fortune* -y yum install cowsay* -y Removed the -f command as I dont know how, but it works without it. Almost the same but one folder higher =).

    fortune | cowsay $(ls/usr/share/cowsay | shuf -n1)
    cablegunmaster · 2014-10-23 10:09:44 9

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debian/ubuntu get installed nvidia driver version from terminal
i've been writing a bash script where i needed to query the installed version number of the nvidia driver when it's not loaded. Unfortunately i have not found a easy way of doing this. If i'm a stupid person, please enlighten me of a better way ;)

High resolution video screen recording
$ gorecord foo.mp4 I've tried all of the screen recorders available for Linux and this is easily the best. xvidcap segfaults; VNC is too much hassle. There are alternatives of this command already here that I am just too lazy to reply to. Messing with the frames per second option, -r, 25 seems to be the best. Any lower and the video will look like a flipbook, if it records at all - -r 10 won't - any faster is the same, oddly enough. Edit: CLF doesn't like my long command to add audio, so here it is in the description. $ goaddaudio() ${ $if [ $# != 3 ]; then $ echo 'goaddaudio < audio > < src video > < dst video >' $ return $ fi $ $ f=goaddaudio$RANDOM $ ffmpeg -i "$2" &> $f $ d=$( grep Duration $f | awk '{print $2}' | tr -d ',' ) && $ rm $f && $ ffmpeg -i "$1" -i "$2" -r 25 -ab 192k -ar 44100 -sameq -t $d "$3" $}

Download an Entire website with wget

Convert a bunch of HTML files from ISO-8859-1 to UTF-8 file encoding in a folder and all sub-folders
This is my first attempt at converting all HTML files to UTF-8 file encoding, including all subfolders. Theres probably a much more compact way to do it, but I'm quite proud of it with my windows background ;)

Grab all .flv files from a webpage to the current working directory
I wanted all the 'hidden' .flv files from the http link in the command line; wget seemed appropriate, fed with output from lynx, grep the flv files and the normalised via sed (to remove the numeric bullet). Similar to the 'Grab mp3 files' fu. Replace link with your own, grep arg with something more interesting ;) See here for something along the same lines... Hope you find it useful! Improvements welcome, naturally.

return external ip

Find the top 10 directories containing the highest number of files
It can be used to pinpoint the path(s) where the largest number of files resides when running out of free i-nodes

Which processes are listening on a specific port (e.g. port 80)
swap out "80" for your port of interest. Can use port number or named ports e.g. "http"

recursively change file name from uppercase to lowercase (or viceversa)
Example of zsh globing, glob qualifier, and substitution: -Q state that the parameter will contain a glob qualifier. (**/)(*) is recursive (.) is our glob qualifier, with states the match is a file "." The first parameter $1, is then substituted with $2 but with lowercasing '(L)' ... a (U) would of course be from lower to upper.

Convert CSV to JSON
Replace 'csv_file.csv' with your filename.

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