Commands tagged flash (15)

  • This is the result of a several week venture without X. I found myself totally happy without X (and by extension without flash) and was able to do just about anything but watch YouTube videos... so this a the solution I came up with for that. I am sure this can be done better but this does indeed work... and tends to work far better than YouTube's ghetto proprietary flash player ;-) Replace $i with any YouTube ID you want and this will scrape the site for the _real_ URL to the full quality .FLV file on Youtube's server and will then will hand that over to mplayer (or vlc or whatever you want) to be streamed. In some browsers you can replace $i with just a % or put this in a shell script so all YouTube IDs can be handed directly off to your media player of choice for true streaming without the need for Flash or a downloader like clive. (I do however fully recommend clive if you wish to archive videos instead of streaming them) If any interest is shown I would be more than happy to provide similar commands for other sites. Most streaming flash players use similar logic to YouTube. Edit: 05/03/2011 - Updated line to work with current YouTube. It could be a lot prettier but I will probably follow up with another update when I figure out how to get rid of that pesky Grep. Sed should take that syntax... but it doesn't. Original (no longer working) command: mplayer -fs $(echo "$(curl -s $youtube_url | sed -n "/watch_fullscreen/s;.*\(video_id.\+\)&title.*;\1;p")") Show Sample Output

    i="8uyxVmdaJ-w";mplayer -fs $(curl -s "$i" | echo -e $(sed 's/%/\\x/g;s/.*\(v[0-9]\.lscache.*\)/http:\/\/\1/g') | grep -oP '^[^|,]*')
    lrvick · 2009-03-09 03:57:44 58
  • Brute force way to block all LSO cookies on a Linux system with the non-free Flash browser plugin. Works just fine for my needs. Enjoy. Show Sample Output

    for i in ~/.adobe ~/.macromedia ; do ( rm $i/ -rf ; ln -s /dev/null $i ) ; done
    mhs · 2010-12-29 13:23:48 14
  • The original doesn't work for me - but this does. I'm guessing that Youtube updated the video page so the original doesn't work.

    id="dMH0bHeiRNg";mplayer -fs$id\&t=$(curl -s$id | sed -n 's/.*, "t": "\([^"]*\)", .*/\1/p')
    matthewbauer · 2009-08-13 14:16:01 7
  • Certain Flash video players (e.g. Youtube) write their video streams to disk in /tmp/ , but the files are unlinked. i.e. the player creates the file and then immediately deletes the filename (unlinking files in this way makes it hard to find them, and/or ensures their cleanup if the browser or plugin should crash etc.) But as long as the flash plugin's process runs, a file descriptor remains in its /proc/ hierarchy, from which we (and the player) still have access to the file. The method above worked nicely for me when I had 50 tabs open with Youtube videos and didn't want to have to re-download them all with some tool.

    lsof -n -P|grep FlashXX|awk '{ print "/proc/" $2 "/fd/" substr($4, 1, length($4)-1) }'|while read f;do newname=$(exiftool -FileModifyDate -FileType -t -d %Y%m%d%H%M%S $f|cut -f2|tr '\n' '.'|sed 's/\.$//');echo "$f -> $newname";cp $f ~/Vids/$newname;done
    mhs · 2012-02-25 01:49:45 6
  • Streams youtube video with v=ID directly into the mplayer. If exists, it uses the HD-quality stream. If you don't want to watch it in HD-quality, you can use the shorter form: ID=52DnUo6wJto; mplayer -fs $(echo "$ID$(wget -qO - ''$ID | perl -ne 'print $1."&asv=" if /^.*(&t=.*?)&.*$/')")

    ID=52DnUo6wJto;mplayer -fs $(echo "$ID$(wget -qO - ''$ID | perl -ne 'print $1."&asv=" if /^.*(&t=.*?)&.*$/; print "&fmt=".$1 if /^.*&fmt_map=(22).*$/')")
    lslah · 2010-09-17 17:06:55 5

  • 6
    mplayer -fs -cookies -cookies-file /tmp/cookie.txt $(youtube-dl -g --cookies /tmp/cookie.txt "")
    davro · 2011-07-19 23:53:01 5
  • Ever gone to a site that has an MP3 embedded into a pesky flash player, but no download link? Well, this one-liner will yank the names of those tunes straight out of FF's cache in a nice, easy to read list. What you do with them after that is *ahem* no concern of mine. ;) Show Sample Output

    for i in `ls ~/.mozilla/firefox/*/Cache`; do file $i | grep -i mpeg | awk '{print $1}' | sed s/.$//; done
    BoxingOctopus · 2010-04-11 23:14:18 8
  • for when a program is hogging the sound output. finds, and kills. add -9 to the end for wedged processes. add in 'grep ^program' after lsof to filter. Show Sample Output

    lsof /dev/snd/pcm*p /dev/dsp | awk ' { print $2 }' | xargs kill
    alustenberg · 2010-07-23 20:24:16 11
  • Maybe you want first check which files will be deleted: find $HOME -name '*.sol' -exec echo rm {} \;

    find $HOME -name '*.sol' -exec rm {} \;
    Tungmar · 2010-08-27 06:38:16 7
  • Errors in output don't matter. Stop recording: ctrl-c. Result playable with Flash too. IMPORTANT: Find a Pulse Audio device to capture from: pactl list | grep -A2 'Source #' | grep 'Name: ' | cut -d" " -f2 Show Sample Output

    cvlc --input-slave pulse://<device> screen:// --screen-fps=15 --screen-top=0 --screen-left=0 --screen-width=640 --screen-height=480 --sout='#transcode{vcodec=FLV1,vb=1600,acodec=aac}:std{access=file,mux=ffmpeg{mux=flv},dst=viewport1.flv}'
    ysangkok · 2012-04-20 17:55:41 12
  • For slow flash memory (cheap thumb drive), ext4 is the fastest stable file system for all use cases with no relevant exception: Since we can usually dispense with the benefits of a journal for this type of storage, this is a way to achieve the least awful I/O-speed. Disabling the journal for an existing ext4 partition can be achieved using tune2fs -O ^has_journal /dev/sdXN Note that it is often recommended to format removable flash media with ext2, due to the lack of a journal. ext4 has many advantages over ext2 even without the journal, with much better speed as one of the consequences. So the only usecase for ext2 would be compatibility with very old software.

    mke2fs -t ext4 -O ^has_journal /dev/sdXN
    michelsberg · 2013-02-15 17:24:02 7
  • This is for Debian, simply change the path if your Flash plugin is installed elsewhere. Show Sample Output

    strings /usr/lib/flashplugin-nonfree/ |grep ^LNX
    domicius · 2012-04-25 10:34:57 6
  • I'm not well enough versed in the differences between ffmpeg & mencoder to know which one is better.

    ffmpeg -i file.flv file.avi
    matthewdavis · 2010-09-02 18:18:38 4
  • Do you have a large library of flv's you have picked up over the years using FlashGot Firefox plugin? Do you want to be able to convert them to Ogg Theora (video) at once? Try out this script... Show Sample Output

    for i in $(ls *.flv); do ffmpeg2theora -v 6 --optimize $i; done
    joenjeru · 2010-12-01 14:13:31 6
  • A safer way to block adobe and macromedia flash tracking and spyware

    adobenospy() { for I in ~/.adobe ~/.macromedia ; do ( [ -d $I ] && rm -rf $I ; ln -s -f /dev/null $I ) ; done }
    Timothy · 2011-06-08 14:34:52 6

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Create a file of a given size in linux
if the fs support sparse file,using truncate can create sparse file.

Remove job from crontab by commandline
The "-u USER" is optional if root user is used

Lookup errno defintions
Calls the POSIX strerror() function to look up the meaning of integer ERRNOs set by some functions.

Quickly Encrypt a file with gnupg and email it with mailx
This is a quick and easy way of encrypting files in a datastream, without ever really creating an output file from gpg. Useful with cron also, when file(s) have to be sent based on a set schedule.

Convert seconds to [DD:][HH:]MM:SS
Converts any number of seconds into days, hours, minutes and seconds. sec2dhms() { declare -i SS="$1" D=$(( SS / 86400 )) H=$(( SS % 86400 / 3600 )) M=$(( SS % 3600 / 60 )) S=$(( SS % 60 )) [ "$D" -gt 0 ] && echo -n "${D}:" [ "$H" -gt 0 ] && printf "%02g:" "$H" printf "%02g:%02g\n" "$M" "$S" }

List top 20 IP from which TCP connection is in SYN_RECV state
List top 20 IP from which TCP connection is in SYN_RECV state. Useful on web servers to detect a syn flood attack. Replace SYN_ with ESTA to find established connections

Intercept, monitor and manipulate a TCP connection.
Forwards localhost:1234 to machine:port, running all data through your chain of piped commands. The above command logs inbound and outbound traffic to two files. Tip: replace tee with sed to manipulate the data in real time (use "sed -e 's/400 Bad Request/200 OK/'" to tweak a web server's responses ;-) Limitless possibilities.

Convert seconds to [DD:][HH:]MM:SS
Converts any number of seconds into days, hours, minutes and seconds. sec2dhms() { declare -i SS="$1" D=$(( SS / 86400 )) H=$(( SS % 86400 / 3600 )) M=$(( SS % 3600 / 60 )) S=$(( SS % 60 )) [ "$D" -gt 0 ] && echo -n "${D}:" [ "$H" -gt 0 ] && printf "%02g:" "$H" printf "%02g:%02g\n" "$M" "$S" }

Find the package that installed a command
Put this one-line function somewhere in your shell init, re-login and try $ whatinstalled This is an elaborate wrapper around "dpkg -S", with numerous safeguards. Symlinks and command aliases are resolved. If the searched command is not an existing executable file or was installed by some other means than dpkg/apt, nothing is printed to stdout, otherwise the package name.

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