This will download and install the latest version of the open store on the ubuntu phone, this store includes unconfined applications such as the TweakGeek and the Ubuntu Touch Tweak Tool. You can see the install instructions from here: Show Sample Output
Neither of the others worked for me. This does.
Download latest released gitlab docker container
Directly download all mp3 files of the desired podcast
substitute the URL with your private/public XML url from calendar sharing settings substitute the dates YYYY-mm-dd adjust the perl parsing part for your needs Show Sample Output
I don't know if the --spider option works to execute a script, but it might be worth trying. Note that the Drupal project uses the following in a cron job.
wget -O - -q http://localhost/drupal/cron.php
The output is sent to standard out so it can be logged by cron.
Mostly for Norwegians, but easily adoptable to others. Very handy if you are brainstorming for a new domainname. Will only display the available ones.. You can usually do this better with dig, but if you dont have dig, or the TLD only have an online service to check with, this will be usefull.. Show Sample Output
Only need to install Image Magick package.
Display a xkcd comic with its title and save it in /tmp directory
If you prefer to view the newest xkcd, use this command:
wget -q -O-| sed -n '/<img src="http:\/\/\/comics/{s/.*\(http:.*\)" t.*/\1/;p}' | awk '{system ("wget -q " $1 " -O- | display -title $(basename " $1") -write /tmp/$(basename " $1")");}'
This is a minimalistic version of the ubiquitious Google definition screen scraper. This version was designed not only to run fast, but to work using BusyBox. BusyBox is a collection of basic Unix tools that have been compiled into a single binary to save space on tiny installations of Unix. For example, although my phone doesn't have perl or the GNU utilities, it does have BusyBox's stripped down versions of wget, tr, and sed. It turns out that those tools suffice for many tasks. Known Bugs: This script does not handle HTML entities at all. I don't think there's an easy way to do that within BusyBox, but I'd love to see it if someone could do it. Also, this script can only define a single word, not phrases. (Well, you could if you typed in %20, but that'd be gross.) Lastly, this script does not show the URL where definitions were found. Given the randomness of the Net, that last bit of information is often key. Show Sample Output
yt2mp3(){ for j in `seq 1 301`;do i=`curl -s$1/uploads\?start-index=$j\&max-results=1|grep -o "watch[^&]*"`;ffmpeg -i `wget$i -qO-|grep -o 'url_map"[^,]*'|sed -n '1{s_.*|__;s_\\\__g;p}'` -vn -ab 128k "`youtube-dl -e ${i#*=}`.mp3";done;}
squeezed the monster (and nifty ☺) command from 7776 from 531 characters to 284 characters, but I don't see a way to get it down to 255. This is definitely a kludge!
On a machine behind a firewall, it's possible to pass the proxy server address in as a prefix to wget to avoid having to set it as an environment variable first.
This will visit recursively all linked urls starting from the specified URL. It won't save anything locally and it will produce a detailed log. Useful to find broken links in your site. It ignores robots.txt, so just use it on a site you own!
Recursively download all files of a certain type down to two levels, ignoring directory structure and local duplicates. Usage: wgetall mp3
This shell function uses wget(1) to show what site a shortened URL is pointing to, even if there are many nested shortened URLs. This is a great way to test whether or not the shortened URL is sending you to a malicious site, or somewhere nasty that you don't want to visit. The sample output is from:
Show Sample Output
Gets the IP and sticks it into the middle-mouse-click buffer
Tries to avoid the fragile nature of scrapers by looking for user-input in the output as opposed to markup or headers on the web site. Show Sample Output
Updated to the new version of the MW webpage (seems MW does not use cougar anymore, so the other commands do not work nowadays), and using Xidel to parse the page with a html parser instead regex.
Example usage:
pronounce onomatopoetic
I'm not sure how well Xidel works with binary streams (although it seems to work great in tests), so using wget to download the actual wav file might be safer, i.e.:
pronounce(){ wget -qO- $(xidel "$*" -f "replace(css('.au')[1]/@onclick,\".*'([^']+)', *'([^']+)'.*\", '/audio.php?file=\$1&word=\$2')" -e 'css("embed")[1]/@src') | aplay -q;}
Xidel is not a standard cli tool and has to be downloaded from
On Linux substitute pbpaste with `xsel --clipboard --output` or `xclip -selection clipboard -o` (untested)
This script can be used to download enclosed files from a RSS feed. For example, it can be used to download mp3 files from a podcasts RSS feed. Show Sample Output
This is the command line I use to get my IP address in order to update my zoneedit account. Full script on my blog Show Sample Output
Just pulls a quote for each day and displays it in a notification bubble...
or you can change it a bit and just have it run in the terminal
wget -q -O "quote";echo "Quote of the Day";cat quote | grep '“\|/author/show' | sed -e 's/<[a-zA-Z\/][^>]*>//g' | sed 's/“//g' | sed 's/”//g'; rm -f quote
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