I got really tired of having tree always show me tons of .svn and .git stuff that I don't care about. With this alias, "tree" uses pretty colors, snazzy line graphics, and ignores any source control and package mumbojumbo. (Customize the *.*.package glob, of course.) Show Sample Output
sometimes I need list from path with max limit for recursive depth directory listing
An easy function to get a process tree listing (very detailed) for all the processes of any gived user. This function is also in my http://www.askapache.com/linux-unix/bash_profile-functions-advanced-shell.html Show Sample Output
The command finds every item within the directory and edits the output so that subdirectories are and files are output much like the tree command Show Sample Output
if you need a quick way of printing out all the packages that contain classes this command will print the directory structure and replace '/' with '.' It will also ignore CVS directories (we use CVS here)
Shows a tree of the disks. Requires "tree" Show Sample Output
tree -ifsF --noreport .|sort -n -k2|grep -v '/$'
(rows presenting directory names become hidden)
shorter version. I believe find is faster than ls as well.
for those without the tree command. Show Sample Output
Creates a function that can be used instead of cd when navigating the directory tree. Automagically displays slightly more than nothing. Show Sample Output
NOT MINE! Taken from hackzine.com blog. It creates a tree-style output of all the (sub)folders and (sub)files from the current folder and down(deeper) Quoting some of hackzine's words "Murphy Mac sent us a link to a handy find/sed command that simulates the DOS tree command that you might be missing on your Mac or Linux box. [..split...] Like most things I've seen sed do, it does quite a bit in a single line of code and is completely impossible to read. Sure it's just a couple of substitutions, but like a jack in the box, it remains a surprise every time I run it." Show Sample Output
It's not better than the former, just another possible way. Found at http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-newbie-8/copy-directory-structure-only-208796/ Credits to whansard The command finds all .mp3 files in all subfolders from where it's ran, catches its "relative path" and creates inside /new/path/ with the same "relative path". PS: /new/path/ must exists Use case: folder with flac files with tree structure ../artist/album/number-title.flac 1) convert flac->mp3 in the same folder: http://www.commandlinefu.com/commands/view/6341/convert-all-.flac-from-a-folder-subtree-in-192kb-mp3 2) search for mp3 files and recreate tree structure to another path: this command 3) move all mp3 files to that new folder: http://www.commandlinefu.com/commands/view/8854/move-mp3-files-to-another-path-with-existing-subtree-structure Show Sample Output
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