Usage examples: say hello say "hello world" say hello+world
Usage: say hello world how are you today
Online games have pretty good lag compensation nowadays, Sometimes though, you really want to get some warning about your latency, e.g. while playing Diablo III in Hardcore mode, so you know when to carefully quit the game b/c your flatmate started downloading all his torrents at once.
This is done on Darwin. On Linux/*nix you would need to find another suitable command instead of `say` to spell out your latency. And I used fping because it's a little bit easier to get the latency value needed. Something similar with our regular ping command could look like this:
while :; do a=$(ping -c1 | grep -o 'time.*' | cut -d\= -f2 | cut -d\ -f1 | cut -b1-4); [[ $a > 40 ]] && say "ping is $a"; sleep 3; done
No need to install additional packages eg: say hello For multiword say how+are+you
say only processes a complete file, at eof, so following a file isn't possible. Quick and dirty perl oneliner to feed each line from the tail -f to say. Yes, expensive to lauch a new process each line. This little ditty was prompted by a discussion on how horrible it is to use VoiceOver on ncurses programs such as irssi.
Put the string above in your ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile, then source the file. Make sure your sound output is working, you have mplayer installed, then type in a word or sentence similar to below: say "why won't anyone talk to me?" It's easy to get the language to be different by changing the "en" in the string to be "de" or some other language that Google Translate supports. Have multiple "say" functions, like "say-en" "say-de", etc. Show Sample Output
like #9295, but awkish instead of perlish
speaks out last twitter update using 'say'
Hide-and-Seek is one of the greatest games in the parent's arsenal. Your kid runs off and hides for several minutes, while waiting for you to find him/her. This gives you time to catch a breath and check your email without feeling like a loser. If you'd also like to take advantage of the counting time--claiming that thinking space as your own--use this command on your OSX terminal to maximize downtime. Also, if your kid is like mine, you can get away with "for i in {1..100};" :) is the place to record those command-line gems that you return to again and again. That way others can gain from your CLI wisdom and you from theirs too. All commands can be commented on, discussed and voted up or down.
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