EDIT: command updated to support accented characters! Works in any of 58 google supported languages (some sound like crap, english is the best IMO). You get a mp3 file containing your query in spoken language. There is a limit of 100 characters for the "q" parameter, so be careful. The "tl" parameter contains target language.
Usage: t2s 'How are you?' Nice because it automatically names the mp3 file up to 15 characters Modified (uses bash manip instead of tr) t2s() { wget -q -U Mozilla -O $(cut -b 1-15
same but redirecting to player and putting whaever text line.. works on my ubuntu machine ...
The FLAC audio must be encoded at 16000Hz sampling rate (SoX is your friend). Outputs a short JSON string, the actual speech is in the hypotheses->utterance, the accuracy is stored in hypotheses->confidence (ranging from 0 to 1). Google also accepts audio in some special speex format (audio/x-speex-with-header-byte), which is much smaller in comparison with losless FLAC, but I haven't been able to encode such a sample. Show Sample Output
Records audio from your mic in FLAC (Free Lossless Audio Codec) format, starts only after it detects at least 0.1 seconds of noise and stops after 1 second of silence. You can adjust the percent values (sensitivity) to best fit your microphone and voice (0.1% if you have a great quality mic, higher if you don't, 0% does not trim anything). Useful for speech recognition in conjunction with my previous command titled 'Google voice recognition "API"' (http://www.commandlinefu.com/commands/view/8043/google-voice-recognition-api).
Online games have pretty good lag compensation nowadays, Sometimes though, you really want to get some warning about your latency, e.g. while playing Diablo III in Hardcore mode, so you know when to carefully quit the game b/c your flatmate started downloading all his torrents at once.
This is done on Darwin. On Linux/*nix you would need to find another suitable command instead of `say` to spell out your latency. And I used fping because it's a little bit easier to get the latency value needed. Something similar with our regular ping command could look like this:
while :; do a=$(ping -c1 google.com | grep -o 'time.*' | cut -d\= -f2 | cut -d\ -f1 | cut -b1-4); [[ $a > 40 ]] && say "ping is $a"; sleep 3; done
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