Commands tagged branch (3)

  • from Useful for when stash cannot be applied to current branch Show Sample Output

    git stash branch testchanges
    rwilson04 · 2013-03-22 23:16:40 5
  • attempts to delete all local branches. git will fail on any branches not fully merged into local master, so don't worry about losing work. git will return the names of any successfully deleted branches. Find those in the output with grep, then push null repositories to the corresponding names to your target remote. assumes: - your local and remote branches are identically named, and there's nothing extra in the remote branch that you still want - EDIT: you want to keep your local master branch

    git branch | cut -c3- | grep -v "^master$" | while read line; do git branch -d $line; done | grep 'Deleted branch' | awk '{print $3;}' | while read line; do git push <target_remote> :$line; done
    gocoogs · 2011-08-13 16:58:34 8
  • Place in .bash_profile Show Sample Output

    48 function gbl() { git for-each-ref --sort=-committerdate --format='%(committerdate) %(authorname) %(refname)' refs/remotes/origin/|grep -e ".$@"|head -n 10; }
    soheil · 2012-12-13 23:35:06 7

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wrap long lines of a text
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sort the output of the 'du' command by largest first, using human readable output.
In this case I'm just grabbing the next level of subdirectories (and same level regular files) with the --max-depth=1 flag. leaving out that flag will just give you finer resolution. Note that you have to use the -h switch with both 'du' and with 'sort.'

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Set up X forwarding in PuTTY, with X display location set to :0.0 Launch PuTTY ssh session. Launch Xming. Make sure that display is set to :0.0 (this is default). $ echo "I'm going to paste this into WINDERS XP" | xsel -i will insert the string into the windows cut and paste buffer. Thanks to Dennis Williamson at for sharing...

scp with compression.
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bash alias for sdiff: differ
this is just okey

strip non-constant number of directories from tar archive while decompressing
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