Commands tagged unix (65)

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Concatenate (join) video files
Use mencoder to concatenate (join) multiple video files together.

print date 24 hours ago

pass the output of some command to a new email in the default email client
This depends on 'stripansi' and 'urlencode' commands, which exist on my system as these aliases: $ alias stripansi='perl -ple "s/\033\[(?:\d*(?:;\d+)*)*m//g;"' $ alias urlencode='perl -MURI::Escape -ne "\$/=\"\"; print uri_escape \$_"' The `open` command handles URLs on a Mac. Substitute the equivalent for your system (perhaps gnome-open). I don't use system `mail`, so I have this aliased as `mail` and use it this way: $ git show head | mail

Watch how many tcp connections there are per state every two seconds.

flip faster and more precisely through commands saved in history
flip shell history with PG UP/PG DOWN like with arrows. just type ss and PG UP and see all ssh commands, type ls and PG DOWN - see all ls commands. need to uncomment two options in /etc/inputrc: "\e[5~": history-search-backward "\e[6~": history-search-forward hack found:

A bit of privacy in .bash_history
Don't track in history commands starting with whitespace. Moreover ignore duplicates from history. To be set in .bashrc ex. $ export HISTCONTROL=ignoreboth $   echo antani $   history|grep -c antani 0

Directory Tree
tree has lots of parms - man is your friend

Lists installed kernels

Capitalize first letter of each word in a string
I find it useless but definitely simpler than #9230

print contents of file from line 1 until we match regex
Start printing the contents of filename to stdout, until a matching line to regex is found, then stop.

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