Commands tagged flush dns (4)

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Check These Out

View a man page on a nice interface
A great way of viewing some man page while using gnome.

bulk rename files with sed, one-liner
Far from my favorite, but works in sh and with an old sed that doesn't support '-E'

Another Curl your IP command
Just another curl command to get your public facing IP

Create a new file

How to trim a video using ffmpeg
Will trim the video to 4 seconds starting from the beginning. The -vcodec , -acodec options are required so that ffmpeg knows in what video/audio format you want for the new video.

Watch a movie in linux without the X windows system.

Poor's man Matrix script
This creates a matrix of letters that run forever until you hit Ctrl-C simulating "The Matrix" effect... just for fun :) You may want to try the -n and -y switch to change the "FX" LOL! e.g.: pwgen -ny 3

df without line wrap on long FS name
-P uses the POSIX output format, which makes information on each file system always printed on exactly one line. "column -t" makes a table from the input.

archlinux: check which repository packages have updates available
Shows which packages from the official repositories (not aur) have updates available. For most accurate output, the mirrors and package lists should be up to date.

list with full path
List the full path of some files. You can add ".*" on the end if you want to display hidden files.

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