Commands tagged ssh-copy-id (6)

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Check These Out

Real time duplication of Apache app traffic to a second server
This takes the stream created by apache requests containing jsp and funnels them to another server. I'm using this for simulating real time traffic. The nice command gives ssh maximum CPU cycles, awk & grep strip out everything served by apache. Putting parallel on curl is important because curl is synchronous and waits for the response. Yes, I thought about using wget but it didn't seem any easier. Also, if you figure out how to run this in the background let me know. Every time I background it it stops. If you have multiple front end servers just run multiple instances of this.

Prevent shell autologout
Unset TMOUT or set it to 0 in order to prevent shell autologout. TMOUT is the number of seconds after which the present shell will be killed if it has been idle for that long.

get colorful side-by-side diffs of files in svn with vim
This will diff your local version of the file with the latest version in svn. I put this in a shell function like so: $svd() { vimdiff

Go to parent directory of filename edited in last command

connects to a serial console
cu (call UNIX) establishes a full-duplex connection to another machine (*BSD) using a serial console. It becames more useful than screen if you have to send a BREAK signal. using cu just type "~#". $man cu

Install a local RPM package from your desktop, then use the YUM repository to resolve its dependencies.
When downloading RPMs from the Internet, you don't have to 'rpm -i' or 'rpm -U' to install the package. Especially, if the package has dependencies. If you have YUM setup to access an RPM repository, this command will install the downloaded package, then any dependencies through YUM that it relies on. Very handy on RPM-based systems.

Send an http HEAD request w/curl

Convert CSV to JSON
Replace 'csv_file.csv' with your filename.

Outgoing IP of server
Faster than the curl/wget-approaches.

View the current number of free/used inodes in a file system
tune2fs also provides the same information . But the information does not give the current usage , it gives the information when the file system was last mounted.

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