Works with *rooted* Android devices. 400x800 are the screen dimensions of a typical handheld smartphone.
Crude, but works. Note for security, /data/ will be inaccessible unless your device has been *rooted*.
On the other hand, if a device has been rooted, its data is now wide open to anyone with a USB cable and the above "one-liner".
`adb` is one of the platform tools in the android SDK.
To get SMS messages:
adb pull /data/data/ ; sqlite3 -batch <<EOF contacts2.db <CR> .header on <CR> .mode tabs <CR> select * from sms; <CR> EOF
You must have the android sdk installed with 'adb' executable on your system. This is just a way to loop over files in a folder using 'find' to locate and install android apps. Show Sample Output
Connects to the last adb connection in history. Show Sample Output
Might not work if your devices is older than Lollipop (5.0). Verified on macOS, and most likely work on Linux as well. is the place to record those command-line gems that you return to again and again. That way others can gain from your CLI wisdom and you from theirs too. All commands can be commented on, discussed and voted up or down.
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