run 'nc yourip 5000', 'nc yourip 5001' or 'nc yourip 5002' elsewhere will produce an exact same mirror of your shell. This is handy when you want to show someone else some amazing stuff in your shell without giving them control over it.
Exit with error if script is not run in a terminal
One person does `mkfifo foo; script -f foo' and another can supervise real-time what is being done using `cat foo'.
Placing sudo in the shebang line of a shell script runs the entire thing as root. Useful for scripts designed to, e.g. automate system upgrades or package manager wrappers — makes prepending everything with sudo no longer necessary
This is a (last resort) way to automate applications that provide no other ways for automation, it would send 'Hello world' to the currently active window. See the manpage (and the -text and -window entries) for how to send special characters and target specific windows. An example: Using xwininfo, I get the id of my XPlanet background window: alanceil@kvirasim:19:51:0:~> xwininfo xwininfo: Please select the window about which you would like information by clicking the mouse in that window. xwininfo: Window id: 0x3600001 "Xplanet 1.2.0" Absolute upper-left X: 0 (..etc..) Now I use xvkbd to tell it to close itself: xvkbd -xsendevent -window 0x3600001 -text "Q" Obviously, the best way is to put these commands in a shellscript - just make sure to include a short sleep (sleep .1 should suffice) after each xvkbd call, or some programs will become confused.
Can be used for command line parameters too.
If you have a more complicated way of entering values (validation, GUI, ...), then write a function i.e. EnterValue() that echoes the value and then you can write:
Run local scripts on remote server. "-T Disable pseudo-tty allocation"
Useful for use in other scripts for renaming, testing for extensions, etc. Show Sample Output
script -f /tmp/foo will place all output of the terminal, including carriage returns, to a file. This file can be tail dash-eff'ed by one or more other terminals to display the information of the main terminal. Good way to share one's screen on short notice. Note: This produces a very accurate output, but that includes depending on the size of your terminal to be the same. You can clear screens or even resize the terminal for others using this function; I use it in conjunction with the "mid" command in my list. Show Sample Output
In order to write bash-scripts, I often do the task manually to see how it works. I type ### at the start of my session. The function fetches the commands from the last occurrence of '###', excluding the function call. You could prefix this with a here-document to have a proper script-header. Delete some lines, add a few variables and a loop, and you're ready to go. This function could probably be much shorter...
A wrapper around ssh to automatically provide logging and session handling.
This function runs ssh, which runs screen, which runs script.
The logs and the screen session are stored on the server.
This means you can leave a session running and re-attach to it later, or from another machine.
* Log sessions on a remote server
* Transparent - nothing extra to type
* No installation - nothing to copy to the server beforehand
* Function wrapper delegating to ssh
- so nothing to remember
- uses .ssh/config as expected
- passes your command line option to ssh
* Self-contained: no scripts to install on the server
* Uses screen(1), so is:
- detachable
- re-attachable
- shareable
* Records session using script(1)
* Configurable log file location, which may contain variables or whitespace
L="$HOME" # local variable
L="\$HOME" # server variable
L="some space"
* Log dir/file may not contain '~' (which would require eval on the server)
The sessions are named by the local user connecting to the server.
Therefore if you detach and re-run the same command you will reconnect to your original session.
If you want to connect/share another's session simply run:
USER=bob ssh root@server
The command above is stripped down to an absolute minimum.
A fully expanded and annotated version is available as a Gist (git pastebin):
If you want to add timing info to script, change the command to:
ssh(){ L="\$HOME/logs/$(date +%F_%H:%M)-$USER";/usr/bin/ssh -t "$@" "mkdir -p \"${L%/*}\";screen -xRRS $USER script --timing=\"$L-timing\" -f \"$L\"";}
Show Sample Output
Often I need to edit a bash or perl script I've written. I know it's in my path but I don't feel like typing the whole path (or I don't remember the path).
Better solution in case of many clients, imo. Show Sample Output
Uses history to get the last n+1 commands (since this command will appear as the most recent), then strips out the line number and this command using sed, and appends the commands to a file.
A quick alias I use right before logging into a server so that I have a log of the transactions as well as the ability to re-connect from another computer. Useful for when your boss says "what commands did you run again on that server?" and you had already closed the terminal ;) I wrapped it in a script now, with more features, but this is the heart of it. Never leave home without it.
Create a bash script to change the modification time for each file in 'files.txt' such that they are in the same order as in 'files.txt' File name for bash script specified by variable, 'scriptName'. It is made an executable once writing into it has been completed. Show Sample Output
1. it find your public ip via 2. than use this IP to request your timezone via 3. and send it to the command timedatectl set-timezone
If your script needs to be run in a terminal, this line at the top will stop it running if you absent-mindedly double-click the icon, perhaps intending to edit it. (Of course this won't help with scripts that run in the background.)
This command will play back each keystroke in a session log recorded using the script command. You'll need to replace the ^[ ^G and ^M characters with CTRL-[, CTRL-G and CTRL-M. To do this you need to press CTRL-V CTRL-[ or CTRL-V CTRL-G or CTRL-V CTRL-M.
You can adjust the playback typing speed by modifying the sleep.
If you're not bothered about seeing each keypress then you could just use:
cat session.log
Show Sample Output
As a user, deletes all your posts from a MyBB board (provided you have the search page listings of all your posts saved into the same directory this command is run from). Full command: for i in *; do cat $i | grep pid | sed -e 's/;/\ /g' -e 's/#/\ /g' -e 's/pid=/\ /g' | awk -F ' ' '{print $2}' >> posts.txt; done; for c in `cat posts.txt`; do curl --cookie name= --data-urlencode name=my_post_key=\&delete=1\&submit=Delete+Now\&action=deletepost\&pid=$c --user-agent Firefox\ 3.5 --url http://url/editpost.php?my_post_key=\&delete=1\&submit=Delete+Now\&action=deletepost\&pid=$c; sleep 2s; done; echo
You define your variable MYVAR with the desired search pattern: MYVAR= ...which can then be searched with the find command. This is useful if you in a script, where you want the arguments to be fed into the find command. The provided search is case insensitive (-iname) and will find all files and directories with the pattern MYVAR (not exact matches). This may go without saying, but if you want exact matches remove the \* and if you want case sensitive, use the -name argument.
This works fine too.
I submitted a command like this without $0 if $BASH_SOURCE is unset. Therefor, it did only work when using ./script, not using 'sh script'. This version handles both, and will set $mydir in a script to the current working directory. It also works on linux, osx and probably bsd.
Crash Override, man! Apparently the exec call tricks BASH into setting the output buffer size to 0 under the assumption that the system (or the calling shell) will handle the output buffering. trapping the ERR signal will stop the subshell from dying and sending the ERR signal to the main script--which will terminate immediately if it does--when the program fails. The only problem is that the kernel will output a whole bunch of stack trace garbage directly to the console device once the process segfaults, so there's no way to prevent it from being output [that I know of]. is the place to record those command-line gems that you return to again and again. That way others can gain from your CLI wisdom and you from theirs too. All commands can be commented on, discussed and voted up or down.
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