Commands tagged DB2 (3)

  • db2 => ? connect CONNECT [USER username [{USING password [NEW new-password CONFIRM confirm-password] | CHANGE PASSWORD}]] CONNECT RESET CONNECT TO database-alias [IN {SHARE MODE | EXCLUSIVE MODE [ON SINGLE DBPARTITIONNUM]}] [USER username [{USING password [NEW new-password CONFIRM confirm-password] | CHANGE PASSWORD}]] Show Sample Output

    db2 CONNECT TO stgndv2 USER pmserver USING ********
    kaushalmehra · 2012-06-07 18:55:47 6
  • db2 CONNECT TO stgndv2; db2 'load from /dev/null of del replace into STMOT.ST_MORT_ARRG_DELTA nonrecoverable' Show Sample Output

    db2 CONNECT TO stgndv2; db2 'load from /dev/null of del replace into STMOT.ST_MORT_ARRG_DELTA nonrecoverable'
    kaushalmehra · 2012-06-07 19:45:57 4

  • 0
    db2 connect to STGNSY3; db2 -tvf source_CUST_DIM_DELTA.sql > kk.out
    kaushalmehra · 2012-07-09 21:28:58 4

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this toggles mute on the Master channel of an alsa soundcard

function to verify an IP address - can be used at the shell prompt or in a shell script
When processing IP addresses in the shell (or shell script) it is useful to be able to verify that the value of data is an IP address (an not some random string or non-sensible IP address).

list files recursively by size

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Use last argument of last command
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Create a mirror of a local folder, on a remote server
Create a exact mirror of the local folder "/root/files", on remote server 'remote_server' using SSH command (listening on port 22) (all files & folders on destination server/folder will be deleted)

Getting Screen's Copy Buffer Into X's Copy Buffer (on Linux)
This command will let you just type c-a b (which means press 'ctrl' then 'a' then 'b'), and screen will save your copy buffer to /tmp/screen-exchange, and then execute xsel to copy the contents of that file into the system's X clipboard. 1. Install Conrad Parker's xsel from 2. Add these lines to your .screenrc # Add cool line to make copying to x clipboard possible. # This binds C-a b to copy screen's copy buffer to the system clipboard. bind b eval writebuf 'exec /bin/sh -c "xsel -i -b < /tmp/screen-exchange"' 'exec /bin/sh -c "killall xsel"' 3. Restart screen. 4. Test it by typing c-a [ to enter copy mode. 5. Select some text using vi movement keys (h, j, k, l, etc...) and starting your selection by hitting the space bar, moving with vi movement keys, and then ending your selection with the space bar. 6. Type C-a b, and screen will use xsel to copy your screen copy buffer to the system's X clipboard buffer. 7. Then you can paste the screen copy buffer into any X program. Note: If you're using Mac OSX, you can use pbcopy instead of xsel. Also Note: The second exec in the .screenrc file, which runs killall on xsel, is necessary, because even when you redirect a file to xsel, xsel waits for you to press ctrl-c to kill it, and have it stop waiting for more input. Since xsel forces screen to wait, and I don't want to press ctrl-c, I send the equivalent of ctrl-c with killall causing xsel to write /tmp/screen-exchange to the X clipboard, and then exit. It's a hack, but it works. If you know how to get this to work without a lame hack leave a comment explaining how.

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