doesn't require "at", change the "2h" to whatever you want... (deafult unit for sleep is seconds)
If shell escaping of the command is problematic, you can write the command to a file first:
batch <somefile
Or read it:
read -re && echo "$REPLY" | batch
Or, if your shell supports it, you can eliminate echo:
read -re && batch <<<$REPLY
("man batch" lists 1.5 for me, but I don't know how widely it differs.)
[ 2000 -ge "$(free -m | awk '/buffers.cache:/ {print $4}')" ] returns true if less than 2000 MB of RAM are available, so adjust this number to your needs. [ $(echo "$(uptime | awk '{print $10}' | sed -e 's/,$//' -e 's/,/./') >= $(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo)" | bc) -eq 1 ] returns true if the current machine load is at least equal to the number of CPUs. If either of the tests returns true we wait 10 seconds and check again. If both tests return false, i.e. 2GB are available and machine load falls below number of CPUs, we start our command and save it's output in a text file. The ( ( ... ) & ) construct lets the command run in background even if we log out. See .
See the flight information from the CLI Use as a SH file or function, like: `./ os 336` Show Sample Output
This is helpful for shell scripts, I use it in my custom php install script to schedule to delete the build files in 3 hours, as the php install script is completely automated and is made to run slow. Does require at, which some environments without crontab still do have. You can add as many commands to the at you want. Here's how I delete them in case the script gets killed. (trapped) atq |awk '{print $1}'|xargs -iJ atrm J &>/dev/null
Line can be modified as needed. This considers weekdays to be Mon-Fri. If run any working day it'll provide a parameters for the next working day for "at". "beep" provided as a sample command. This can be modified easily to include wait time. If you need something to run "D" days after today: # D=4;if [ $(date +%u --date="${D} days") -lt 5 ];then AT="+${D} days";else AT="next monday";fi; echo "beep" | at noon ${AT} is the place to record those command-line gems that you return to again and again. That way others can gain from your CLI wisdom and you from theirs too. All commands can be commented on, discussed and voted up or down.
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