Commands tagged scsi_id (1)

  • Use `scsi_id` to positively identify which LUNs are which (i.e. compare with the list of LUNs you created on your disk array) (shown: RHEL5 usage) Debian usage: # for i in /dev/sd* ; do wwn=`/lib/udev/scsi_id -g --device $i` ; [ "$wwn" != "" ] && echo -e ${i##*/}'\t'$wwn ;done Show Sample Output

    for i in /sys/block/sd* ; do wwn=`/lib/udev/scsi_id -g -s /block/${i##*/}` ; [ "$wwn" != "" ] && echo -e ${i##*/}'\t'$wwn ;done
    mhs · 2012-09-12 14:14:53 5

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