Prints top 5 twitter topics. Not very well written at all but none of the others worked.
Retrieves the current WAN ipv4 address via Show Sample Output
Generate a Netscape cookies file to use with Python's mechanize.
Replace $USER with the username of the Reddit user in question. To get comment karma instead run...
curl -s$USER/about.json | tr "," "\n" | grep "comment_karma" | tr ": " "\n" | grep -E "[0-9]+" | sed s/"^"/"Comment Karma: "/
Show Sample Output
Gets your IP address and has a shorter URL. Show Sample Output
Use the command line to log into Dropbox. You have to replace with your Dropbox email (note the URL-encoding of "@" as %40). Also replace my_passwd with your Dropbox password. (Note: special characters in your password (such as #) must be url-encoded. You will get a cookie (stored in file "cookie") that you can use for subsequent curl operations to dropbox, for example curl -b cookie Debug note: If you want to see what data curl posts, use curl's --trace-ascii flag. Show Sample Output
set BLOCK to "title" or any other HTML / RSS / XML tag and curl URL to get everything in-between e.g. some text
This encodes it in ogg format. Does on-the-fly encoding of the incoming stream. Great for radio streams as they're often flv format.
Send a text message to an Kodi (XBMC) device. Uses curl to post a JSON request to the Kodi JSON-RPC API.
Similar to the following:
curl -I <URL>
but curl -I performs a HEAD request, which can yield different results.
Sure, it's dirty, but it's quick, it only displays the excuse, and it works. Show Sample Output is a web site which shows your public iP address. If you want use your own code, you can use PHP code such as: function getip() { return "".$_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; } echo getip(); ?> Then, you'll get your IP by 'curl yourfile.php'. Show Sample Output
For now just returns either "Success" or "Error". My awk-fu isn't strong enough to hackily parse out the error in case there is one, so I kept it simple. Show Sample Output
Get you IPV 6 address with curl and sed. Show Sample Output
Fast and simple. Details: Show Sample Output
Just 253 chars of pure UNIX magic, with curl. I created this contrived bash one-liner while building a command-line bash game : Show Sample Output
Use -q as first argument (as described in `man curl`) to ignore curlrc to ensure the output is always the same regardless of user's configuration. Show Sample Output
There's other expansions as well such as `{one,two,three}'. Check the curl docs for more.
IMPORTANT: You need Windows PowerShell to run this command - in your Windows Command Prompt, type
Create a log file of your Motorola Surfboard SB6141 downstream signal strengths.
Uses the built-in curl to request signal strength data from your SB6141 cable modem.
HTML page has the signal strength numbers for the 8 downstreams.
Some HTML/DOM processing parses out the 8 values from the above page.
The eight extracted signal strengths are then logged to a file.
A small while-loop watches the clock & repeats the process every 10 seconds.
Show Sample Output
This command will take the output of curl and read it line by line, skipping a step in downloading the file then parsing it. You can then parse each line, or only print the lines that contain certain works using if statements, or whatever you can come up with. Or you can change IFS and use it to parse based on separators other than newline.
The example uses hashicorps packer as the sample file, but any .zip file which only contains a single file will work. Show Sample Output is the place to record those command-line gems that you return to again and again. That way others can gain from your CLI wisdom and you from theirs too. All commands can be commented on, discussed and voted up or down.
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