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Updated top ten memory utilizing processes (child/instance aggregation) now with percentages of total RAM
Prints the top 10 memory consuming processes (with children and instances aggregated) sorted by total RSS and calculates the percentage of total RAM each uses. Please note that since RSS can include shared libraries it is possible for the percentages to add up to more that the total amount of RAM, but this still gives you a pretty good idea. Also note that this does not work with the mawk version of awk, but it works fine with GNU Awk which is on most Linux systems. It also does not work on OS X.

Print only the odd lines of a file (GNU sed)
The tilde address operator is an extension of GNU sed. It won't work with POSIX sed.

Remove security limitations from PDF documents using ghostscript (for Windows)
#4345 also works under windows

Prevent shell autologout
Unset TMOUT or set it to 0 in order to prevent shell autologout. TMOUT is the number of seconds after which the present shell will be killed if it has been idle for that long.

Jump to line X in file in Nano.
Starts the cursor on line X of file foo. Useful for longer files in which it takes a long time to scroll. If X is greater than the number of lines in file foo, it will go to the last existing line.

Open Remote Desktop (RDP) from command line having a custom screen size
This example uses xfreerdp, which builds upon the development of rdesktop. This example usage will also send you the remote machine's sound.

Which processes are listening on a specific port (e.g. port 80)
swap out "80" for your port of interest. Can use port number or named ports e.g. "http"

Prefix every line with a timestamp

Get all shellcode on binary file from objdump
Better than the others, and actually works unlike some of them.

list block devices
Shows all block devices in a tree with descruptions of what they are.

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