Convert JSON to YAML. Note that you'll need to have PyYaml installed.
Converts YAML file to JSON. Note that you'll need to install PyYAML. Also some YAML data types (like dates) are not supported by JSON).
* Output is jq compatible * Output is single lines - unix compatible * Multiple files supported
You need to install the Catmandu Perl module via `cpanm Catmandu`
This is based on __unixmonkey73469__ answer. You will need to supply `--multiline 1` option to JSON importer if your .json is multiline (i.e. it was prettyfied) And you still need catmandu installed via `cpanm Catmandu`
If you tried the other Python version of Convert JSON to YAML and you end up with lines that has "!!python/unicode", this version of the command is for you.
json2yaml is an npm package You must have node and npm installed to install/use this Show Sample Output
Requires installing json2yaml via npm: npm install -g json2yaml (can also pipe from stdin) Ref:
Requires installing yq (pip install yq)
since Mozai said that JSON is a subset of YAML ;)
Valid JSON is a subset of YAML; no transformation is necessary; however, YAML has many syntax features that are not valid JSON, so you can't do the reverse as easily. is the place to record those command-line gems that you return to again and again. That way others can gain from your CLI wisdom and you from theirs too. All commands can be commented on, discussed and voted up or down.
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