youtube-dl has this functionality built in. If you're running an older version of youtube-dl, you can update it using `youtube-dl -U` (although if you have an older version, it probably doesn't download youtube videos anyway.) youtube-dl --help will show you other options that may come in useful.
record audio notes or meetings requires arecord and lame run mp3gain on the resulting file to increase the volume / quality ctrl-c to stop recording Show Sample Output
find . -type f -iname '*.flac' # searches from the current folder recursively for .flac audio files | # the output (a .flac audio files with relative path from ./ ) is piped to while read FILE; do FILENAME="${FILE%.*}"; flac -cd "$FILE" | lame -b 192 - "${FILENAME}.mp3"; done # for each line on the list: # FILE gets the file with .flac extension and relative path # FILENAME gets FILE without the .flac extension # run flac for that FILE with output piped to lame conversion to mp3 using 192Kb bitrate Show Sample Output
Record audio to MP3 stream and video to MPEG-4 stream from webcam to AVI file using mencoder. Gives floating point exception in some mencoder versions.
This will mv all your mp3 files in the current directory to $ARTIST/$ALBUM/$NAME.mp3 Make sure not to use sudo - as some weird things can happen if the mp3 file doesn't have id3 tags.
Record from a webcam, audio using ALSA encoded as MP3, video as MPEG-4.
Some MP3s come with tags that don't work with all players. Also, some good tag editors like, EasyTAG output tags that don't work with all players. For example, EasyTAG saves the genre as a numeric field, which is not used correctly in Sansa MP3 players. This command corrects the ID3 tags in MP3 files using mid3iconv, which comes with mutagen. To install Mutagen on Fedora use "yum install python-mutagen" Show Sample Output
Record audio to an MP3 file via ALSA. Adjust -i argument according to arecord -l output.
Rip DVD to YouTube ready AVI file, using MPEG-4 video codec and MP3 audio codec. Resizes to 320x240 and deinterlaces as needed.
Ever gone to a site that has an MP3 embedded into a pesky flash player, but no download link? Well, this one-liner will yank the names of those tunes straight out of FF's cache in a nice, easy to read list. What you do with them after that is *ahem* no concern of mine. ;) Show Sample Output
Creates a 5 minute flv file, with the given sequence of images and audio with 0.5 fps. The images were created using the following command: for x in `seq 0 300`; do cp ../head.PNG head-`printf '%03d' $x`.png; done You can also inject metadata to seek easier using yamdi as follows: yamdi -i muxed.flv -o video.flv Show Sample Output
Just give it an artist and/or song at the end of the command as shown. Show Sample Output
Extracts an MP3 encoded audio stream from an input video file.
This uses mpg123 to convert the files to wav before burning, but you can use mplayer or mencoder or ffmpeg or lame with the --decode option, or whatever you like.
Takes two input video files and an external audio track and encodes them together to an MPEG-4 DivX output video file with the correct size ready for uploading.
Creates a new video file with video stream copied from input file and a different audio stream
if you haven't already done so, install lame and flac: sudo apt-get install lame flac Show Sample Output
This normalizes volume in your mp3 library, but uses mp3gain's "album" mode. This applies a gain change to all files from each directory (which are presumed to be from the same album) - so their volume relative to one another is changed, while the average album volume is normalized. This is done because if one track from an album is quieter or louder than the others, it was probably meant to be that way.
Grab a list of MP3s (with full path) out of Firefox's cache Ever gone to a site that has an MP3 embedded into a pesky flash player, but no download link? Well, this one-liner will yank the *full path* of those tunes straight out of FF's cache in a clean list. Shorter and Intuitive version of the command submitted by (TuxOtaku) Show Sample Output
A short variant if you have only one directory whit only audio files in it.
* grep -i leaves only mp3 files (case insentitive) * sort -R randomizes list (may use GNU 'shuf' instead). * the sed command will add double quotes around each filename (needed if odd characters are present)
I use this to convert mp3 files to m4a files that can be used as ringtones on the iPhone. I've documented the process here:
Gives MPEG-4/DivX output video file ready for uploading to YouTube from FLV file downloaded from the site and your own subtitle file UTF-8 encoded. No resizing needed. (?) is the place to record those command-line gems that you return to again and again. That way others can gain from your CLI wisdom and you from theirs too. All commands can be commented on, discussed and voted up or down.
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