Commands tagged changelog (1)

  • Generate a changelog between the v1 and v2 tags Show Sample Output

    git log --no-merges --format="%an: %s" v1..v2
    blakegardner · 2013-06-17 21:06:45 8

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Check These Out

Find Duplicate Files (based on MD5 hash) -- For Mac OS X
This works on Mac OS X using the `md5` command instead of `md5sum`, which works similarly, but has a different output format. Note that this only prints the name of the duplicates, not the original file. This is handy because you can add `| xargs rm` to the end of the command to delete all the duplicates while leaving the original.

adjust laptop display hardware brightness [non root]

Export unpushed files list

Console clock -- within screen
Configures screen to always display the clock in the last line (has to be configured only once). After that you not only have got the possibility to detach sessions and run them in background, but also have got a nice clock permanently on your screen.

Set laptop display brightness
Run as root. Path may vary depending on laptop model and video card (this was tested on an Acer laptop with ATI HD3200 video). $ cat /proc/acpi/video/VGA/LCD/brightness to discover the possible values for your display.

All IP connected to my host
find all computer connected to my host through TCP connection.

Go to parent directory of filename edited in last command
Uses the last argument of the last executed command, and gets the directory name from it. Use $!:t for the filename alone, without the dirname.

Prevent an IPv6 address on an interface from being used as source address of packets.
If two or more IPv6 addresses are assigned to an interface, apply this command to all but the address that you want to use as the source address of outbound packets. This is Linux-specific and requires the iproute package, or equivalent for your distribution.

Repeatedly purge orphaned packages on Debian-like Linuxes
Upgraded Debian/Ubuntu/etc. systems may have a number of "orphaned" packages which are just taking up space, which can be found with the "deborphan" command. While you could just do "dpkg --purge $(deborphan)", the act of purging orphans will often create more orphans. This command will get them all in one shot.

Remove annoying OS X DS_Store folders
Recursively removes all those hidden .DS_Store folders starting in current working directory.

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