Commands tagged dirname (6)

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Check These Out

Rename files in batch

Check hashes of files installed by Debian packages, reporting only errors.

Get all IPs via ifconfig
The initial version of this command also outputted extra empty lines, so it went like this: This happened on Ubuntu, i haven't tested on anything else.

Send email with one or more binary attachments
This command uses mutt to send the mail. You must pipe in a body, otherwise mutt will prompt you for some stuff. If you don't have mutt, it should be dead easy to install.

Find duplicate UID in /etc/passwd
You can use only awk

lists files and folders in a folder
lists files and folders in a folder with summary.

Displays user-defined ps output and pidstat output about the top CPU or MEMory users.
It grabs the PID's top resource users with $(ps -eo pid,pmem,pcpu| sort -k 3 -r|grep -v PID|head -10) The sort -k is sorting by the third field which would be CPU. Change this to 2 and it will sort accordingly. The rest of the command is just using diff to display the output of 2 commands side-by-side (-y flag) I chose some good ones for ps. pidstat comes with the sysstat package(sar, mpstat, iostat, pidstat) so if you don't have it, you should. I might should take off the timestamp... :|

Show bandwidth use oneliner
poorman's ifstat using just sh and awk. You must change "eth0" with your interface's name.

pipe commands from a textfile to a telnet-server with netcat
sends commands specified in $commandfile to the telnet-server specified by $telnetserver. to have newlines in $commandfile interpreted as ENTER, save the file in CR+LF (aka "Windows-Textfile") format. if you want to save the output in a separate file, use: $nc $telnetserver 23 < $commandfile > $resultfile

Create a mirror of a local folder, on a remote server
Create a exact mirror of the local folder "/root/files", on remote server 'remote_server' using SSH command (listening on port 22) (all files & folders on destination server/folder will be deleted)

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