Commands tagged jq (22)

  • 7
    curl -s$(curl -s | jq '.data.latitude, .data.longitude, .data.city_name, .data.country_name'
    emphazer · 2019-04-26 09:15:00 51
  • jq is amazing for manipulating json on the commandline, but the developers have some weird ideas about how to handle shell redirections. This command works around them. Further reading:

    diff <(jq . -M -S < old.json) <(jq . -M -S < new.json)
    malathion · 2018-10-11 20:59:48 581
  • Returns the current price of a troy ounce of gold, in USD. Requires the "jq" JSON parser. Show Sample Output

    echo "Gold price is" $(wget\?from=XAU\&to=USD -q -O - | jq ".rate") "USD"
    lordtoran · 2015-11-11 14:20:06 18
  • It is the same but more faster real 0m0,007s user 0m0,011s sys 0m0,000s with my solution real 0m0,038s user 0m0,044s sys 0m0,000s with your solution :) Show Sample Output

    lsblk | grep -v part | awk '{print $1 "\t" $4}'
    gecco · 2022-01-11 13:31:04 294
  • Hit an API with curl returning a random quote, then parse the result with jq. Show Sample Output

    curl -s | jq -r '.[] | "\"\(.quote)\" -- \(.author)"'
    malathion · 2024-09-09 14:58:37 51
  • Use the AWS CLI tools to generate a list instances, then pipe them to JQ to show only their launch time and instance id. Finally use sort to bring them out in runtime order. Find all those instances you launched months ago and have forgotten about. Show Sample Output

    aws ec2 describe-instances | jq '.["Reservations"]|.[]|.Instances|.[]|.LaunchTime + " " + .InstanceId' | sort -n
    andrewtayloruk · 2014-02-03 07:59:47 20
  • You can do the filtering natively in the aws cli, without using jq (although jq is awesome!) Show Sample Output

    aws ec2 describe-instances --query 'Reservations[*].Instances[*].[InstanceId,LaunchTime]' --output text | sort -n -k 2
    hakamadare · 2014-06-16 21:51:51 9
  • Uses the python-based AWS CLI ( and the JSON query tool, JQ (

    aws ec2 describe-snapshots --filter 'Name=volume-id,Values=vol-abcd1234' | jq '.[]|max_by(.StartTime)|.SnapshotId'
    thatinstant · 2014-06-26 20:26:23 9

  • 2
    curl -s | jq -r .origin
    tebeka · 2016-08-11 04:20:48 16
  • With this command you can convert a tab separate file (TSV) into a JSON file with jq. For example, this input.tsv i-0b9adca882e5e6326 i-088dd69e5c3624888 i-0e70eac180537d4aa will produce the showed output. Show Sample Output

    cat input.tsv | jq --raw-input --slurp 'split("\n") | map(split("\t")) | .[0:-1] | map( { "id": .[0], "ip": .[1] } )'
    nordri · 2019-10-01 10:52:35 671
  • Use lsbk (list block) and jq (to manipulate a JSON on the command line) to display partition information: Show Sample Output

    lsblk --json | jq -c '.blockdevices[]|[.name,.size]'
    mikhail · 2021-12-22 22:31:07 335
  • Frustrated with the manual domain migration process AWS has, I unsuccessfully tried to install cli53, route53-transfer. I instead wrote this oneliner to ease the export (which is not supported via the AWS console ATM). The output can be easily pasted into the "Import Hosted Zone" dialog in Route53. SOA/NS records are excluded since they cannot be automatically imported. Show Sample Output

    echo -e "\$ORIGIN\\n\$TTL\t1h\n" && aws route53 list-resource-record-sets --hosted-zone-id Z1EEXAMPLE9SF3 | jq -r '.ResourceRecordSets[] | [.Name, .Type, .ResourceRecords[0].Value] | join("\t")' - | grep -vE "NS|SOA"
    brainstorm · 2018-06-15 01:19:21 340
  • Sometimes things break. You can find the most recent errors using a combination of journalctl, along with the classic tools sort and uniq Show Sample Output

    journalctl --no-pager --since today --grep 'fail|error|fatal' --output json | jq '._EXE' | sort | uniq -c | sort --numeric --reverse --key 1
    mikhail · 2021-12-22 22:27:17 285
  • Uses the python-based AWS CLI ( and the JSON query tool, JQ (

    aws ec2 describe-instances --query "Reservations[*].Instances[*]" | jq '.[]|.[]|(if .Tags then (.Tags[]|select(.Key == "Name").Value) else empty end)+", " +.InstanceId'
    thatinstant · 2014-06-26 20:01:12 8
  • If you have a load of logstash events in a redis queue (here named "logstash"), here's a fast way to examine the type and message of the event.

    for i in {0..100}; do redis-cli LINDEX logstash ${i} | jq .type,.message; done
    crccheck · 2015-05-22 16:01:02 10
  • Returns the global weighted BTC rate in EUR. Requires the "jq" JSON parser. Show Sample Output

    echo "BTC rate is" $(wget -q -O - | jq ".last") "?"
    lordtoran · 2015-09-28 23:03:59 13
  • Grabs the first JSON file in the directory, reads its keys, prints TSV, then prints all the json files' values as TSV. Nested objects appear as json. Unhappy times if your json has literal tabs in it. Show Sample Output

    jq -r 'keys | join("\t")' $(ls -f *.json | head -1) && jq -Sr 'to_entries | [ .[] | .value | tostring ] | join("\t")' *.json
    drjeats · 2016-04-08 23:30:30 12
  • Looking up the id of a CF domain can be painful. Not anymore with this tip. Show Sample Output

    aws cloudfront list-distributions | jq -r '.DistributionList | .Items | .[] | .Id + " " + .Aliases.Items[]'
    hendry · 2016-09-19 06:36:59 16
  • # Usage: ftagmarks TAG BOOKMARKS.JSON ftagmarks Bash ~/.mozilla/firefox/*.default/bookmarkbackups/bookmarks-*.json Tag can be partial matching, e.g. input 'Bas' or 'ash' will match 'Bash' tag. # Exact tag matching: ftagmark(){ jq -r --arg t "$1" '.children[] as $i|if $i.root == "tagsFolder" then ([$i.children[] as $j|{title: ($j.title), urls: [$j.children[].uri]}]) else empty end|.[] as $k|if $k.title == $t then $k.urls else empty end|.[]?' "$2"; } Usage: ftagmark TAG BOOKMARKS.JSON # List all tags: ftagmarkl(){ jq -r '.children[] as $i | if $i.root == "tagsFolder" then $i.children[].title else empty end' "$1"; } Usage: ftagmarkl BOOKMARKS.JSON # Requires: `jq` - must have CLI JSON processor Show Sample Output

    ftagmarks(){ jq -r --arg t "$1" '.children[] as $i|if $i.root == "tagsFolder" then ([$i.children[] as $j|{title: ($j.title), urls: [$j.children[].uri]}]) else empty end|.[] as $k|if ($k.title|contains($t)) then $k.urls else empty end|.[]?' "$2"; }
    qwertyroot · 2016-12-24 15:12:04 15
  • Compactly display a bitcoin-cli fee estimate in satoshis/Byte, sat/B, date time stamp. Change the 6 to the desired number of confirmations. Display in btc/KB unit of measure: printf %g "$(bccli estimatesmartfee 6 "ECONOMICAL" | jq .feerate)";printf " btc/KB estimated feerate for 6 confirmations\nMultiply by 100,000 to get sat/B\n"; Two settings for estimate mode are "ECONOMICAL". "CONSERVATIVE" is the same as "UNSET" # jq is a json filter. sudo apt-get install jq Show Sample Output

    printf %g "$(bitcoin-cli estimatesmartfee 6 "ECONOMICAL" | jq .feerate*100000)";printf " sat/B estimated feerate for 6 confirmations as of $(date +%c)\nDivide by 100,000 to get btc/KB\n"
    deinerson1 · 2018-06-20 13:40:32 344
  • This allows you to get all instance profiles (roles) for a given set of tags. Lists it in CSV Show Sample Output

    aws ec2 describe-instances --region us-east-1 --filters "Name=tag:YourTag,Values=YourValue" | jq '.["Reservations"]|.[]|.Instances|.[]|.IamInstanceProfile.Arn + "," +.InstanceId'
    symgryph · 2019-04-15 16:33:41 35
  • The only pre-requisite is jq (and curl, obviously). The other version used grep, but jq is much more suited to JSON parsing than that. Show Sample Output

    btc() { echo "1 BTC = $(curl -s$1.json | jq .bpi.\"$1\".rate | tr -d \"\"\") $1"; }
    benjabean1 · 2015-09-19 02:49:30 22

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Install pip with Proxy
Installs pip packages defining a proxy

Compare two CSV files, discarding any repeated lines
The value for the sort command's -k argument is the column in the CSV file to sort on. In this example, it sorts on the second column. You must use some form of the sort command in order for uniq to work properly.

print all except first collumn

Easily decode unix-time (funtion)

Get AWS temporary credentials ready to export based on a MFA virtual appliance
You might want to secure your AWS operations requiring to use a MFA token. But then to use API or tools, you need to pass credentials generated with a MFA token. This commands asks you for the MFA code and retrieves these credentials using AWS Cli. To print the exports, you can use: `awk '{ print "export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=\"" $1 "\"\n" "export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=\"" $2 "\"\n" "export AWS_SESSION_TOKEN=\"" $3 "\"" }'` You must adapt the command line to include: * $MFA_IDis ARN of the virtual MFA or serial number of the physical one * TTL for the credentials

send incoming audio to a Icecast server (
easy way to setup an "internet radio sation", pre-requisite, create an account at an icecast server, in this example, just created beforehand an account at Change the word password, with the respective real password you created at server. Make sure to have installed rec, oggnec, oggfwd and tee. I have a mixer connected at line in, so I can mix music and microphone. This also will produce a local recorded copy of the session, it will be called "streamdump.ogg"

$python -c "DEV = '/dev/input/event4' #if event0 doesn't work, try event1 event2 etc fo = open(DEV) def interpret(keycode,state): if state == 0: print '%i up'%keycode if state == 1: print '%i down'%keycode if state == 2: print '%i repeat'%keycode while 1: line = if ord(line[10]) != 0: keycode,state = line[10],line[12] interpret(ord(keycode),ord(state)) "

Lists all listening ports together with the PID of the associated process
Lists all opened sockets (not only listeners), no DNS resolution (so it's fast), the process id and the user holding the socket. Previous samples were limiting to TCP too, this also lists UDP listeners.

split a file by a specific number of lines
Splits the file "my_file" every 500 lines. Will create files called xx01 xx02 and so on. You can change the prefix by using the -f option. Comes in handy for splitting logfiles for example. I am using it for feeding a logfile parser with smaller files instead of one big file (due to performance reasons)

Find processes utilizing high memory in human readable format
Finding high memory usage report in human readable format.

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