Commands tagged rsync (51)

  • An example config file is placed in the sample output along with the command line call to use it. The rsync daemon here is setup on the destination, thus requiring the read only = false flag. Also it uses uid and gid of root, change as required. Show Sample Output

    rsync --daemon --port 9999 --no-detach -v --config .rsyncd.conf
    pykler · 2011-09-22 20:48:31 4
  •  < 1 2 3

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Check These Out

Find usb device in realtime
Using this command you can track a moment when usb device was attached.

Ctrl+S Ctrl+Q terminal output lock and unlock
These are simple shortcuts to pause and continue terminal output, works in most terminals and screen multiplexers like screen. You can use it to catch something if things change too fast, and scroll with Shift + PgUp PgDown. On linux console ScrollLock can also be used.

check open ports (both ipv4 and ipv6)

A very quick and slick fork bomb. Handle with care. Don't run on production please...

faster version of ls *
I know its not much but is very useful in time consuming scripts (cron, rc.d, etc).

Check if a remote port is up using (i.e. from behind a firewall/proxy)
Shell function; returns 0 if the port is up, 1 otherwise (check $? after executing). First parameter: IP address/hostname Second parameter: port number There is no error checking for the input parameters.

Which processes are listening on a specific port (e.g. port 80)
swap out "80" for your port of interest. Can use port number or named ports e.g. "http"

re-assign line numbers

Expand shortened URLs
This relies on a public API from So, this has the weakness that if the service disappears, the function will break. However, it has the advantage that the shortened URL service will not be tracking your IP address and other metrics, but instead will track Thus, you can remain anonymous from the shortened URL services (although not anonymous from It does no sanity checking that you have provided an argument. If you do not provide one, "message" is displayed to STDOUT.

Wait for file to stop changing
Here's a way to wait for a file (a download, a logfile, etc) to stop changing, then do something. As written it will just return to the prompt, but you could add a "; echo DONE" or whatever at the end. This just compares the full output of "ls" every 10 seconds, and keeps going as long as that output has changed since the last interval. If the file is being appended to, the size will change, and if it's being modified without growing, the timestamp from the "--full-time" option will have changed. The output of just "ls -l" isn't sufficient since by default it doesn't show seconds, just minutes. Waiting for a file to stop changing is not a very elegant or reliable way to measure that some process is finished - if you know the process ID there are much better ways. This method will also give a false positive if the changes to the target file are delayed longer than the sleep interval for any reason (network timeouts, etc). But sometimes the process that is writing the file doesn't exit, rather it continues on doing something else, so this approach can be useful if you understand its limitations.

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