The sample output shows each record/row with the last field zero-padded to 26 digits. For testing, I used (L)ine and field/column numbers.... Line 4, field2 = L42, etc up to the last field where I just used line numbers X 4. I had some whitespace-delimited files with variable-length records/rows (having 4 - 5 fields/columns) which required reformatting by zero-padding the last field to 26 digits. This requires setting NF (Not $NF) as an awk variable, with a simple conditional that assumes that any line where (N)umber of (F)ields does NOT equal 4 has a NF of 5. If needed, more conditional checks can be added, and the "NF" changed to any field ($1, $5, etc). Show Sample Output
Removes directories which are less than 1028KB total. This works for systems where blank directories are 4KB. If a directory contains 1 MB (1024KB) or less, it will remove the directory using a path relative to the directory where the command was initially executed (safer than some other options I found).
Adjust the 1028 value for your needs.
It would be helpful to test the results before proceeding with the removal. Simply run all but the last two commands to see a list of what will be removed:
du | awk '{if($1<1028)print;}' | cut -d $'\t' -f 2-
If you're unsure what size a blank folder is, test it like this:
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