Commands tagged hashbang (1)

  • Bash process substitution which curls the website '' and executes the shell script embedded in the page. This is obviously not the most secure way to run something like this, and we will scold you if you try. The smarter way would be: Download locally over SSL > curl >> Verify integrty with GPG (If available) > gpg --recv-keys 0xD2C4C74D8FAA96F5 > gpg --verify Inspect source code > less Run > chmod +x > ./

    sh <(curl
    lrvick · 2015-03-15 21:02:01 16

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I finally found out how to use notify-send with at or cron
The simplest way to do it. Works for me, at least. (Why are the variables being set?)

Find status of all symlinks
The symlinks command can show status of all symbolic links, including which links are dangling, which symlinks point to files on other file systems, which symlinks use ../ more than necessary, which symlinks are messy (e.g. having too many slashes or dots), etc. Other useful things it can do include removing all dangling links (-d) and converting absolute links to relative links (-c). The path given must be an absolute path (which is why I used $(pwd) in the example command).

Create a random password encrypted with md5 with custom lenght
This was useful to generate random passwords to some webpage users, using the sample code, inside a bash script

Install pip with Proxy
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Update IP filter for qBittorrent
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alias to close terminal with :q
Put this in your ~/.bashrc file (or the equivalent) If you use vim a lot, this alias will be immediately obvious. Your brain will thank you.

show framebuffer console modes to use in grub vga option
look at /boot/grub/menu.lst for somethig like: ## additional options to use with the default boot option, but not with the ## alternatives ## e.g. defoptions=vga=791 resume=/dev/hda5 ## defoptions=vga=795 # defoptions=vga=873 ## altoption boot targets option ## multiple altoptions lines are allowed ## e.g. altoptions=(extra menu suffix) extra boot options ## altoptions=(recovery) single # altoptions=(verbose mode) vga=775 debug # altoptions=(console mode) vga=ask # altoptions=(graphic mode) quiet splash # altoptions=(recovery mode) single vga=(decimal value) is framebuffer mode

Find size in kilobyte of files that are deleted but still in use and therefore consumes diskspace

list files recursively by size

Bring the word under the cursor on the :ex line in Vim
Very handy to bring the word currently under the cursor into a :s command in Vim. Example: If the cursor was on the word "eggs": :s/ ==> :s/eggs

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