show a zoomable world map
Almost same output with fewer typing... OP had a great idea : BOFH !!! Show Sample Output
Gets a BOFH excuse from the BOFH excuse server ( port 666), and passes it through sed and tr to get rid of telnet connection stuff. Show Sample Output
You are stuck with testing a tcp port using telnet, and must kill the telnet session from another terminal... Or, press ctrl+5 and write close/quit to force the current connection to close.. Show Sample Output
Check if TCP port is reacheable Show Sample Output
sends commands specified in $commandfile to the telnet-server specified by $telnetserver.
to have newlines in $commandfile interpreted as ENTER, save the file in CR+LF (aka "Windows-Textfile") format.
if you want to save the output in a separate file, use:
nc $telnetserver 23 < $commandfile > $resultfile
I'm flat-out surprised that minecraft directory services require servers install multiple modifications to their server code, when the directories could fetch this information on their own. Show Sample Output
-z: Specifies that nc should just scan for listening daemons, without sending any data to them -u: Use UDP instead of the default option of TCP. Show Sample Output
Super fast way to ftp/telnet/netcat/ssh/ping your loopback address for testing. The default route is simply reduced to 0. Show Sample Output
This command telnet and and looks for a line starting with "SSH" - works for OpenSSH since the SSH banner is something like "SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_6.0p1 Debian-4+deb7u3". Then it triggers an action accordingly.
It can be packed as a script file to echo 0/1 indicating the SSH service availability:
if [[ "$(sleep 1 | telnet -c <host> <port> 2>&1 | grep '^SSH')" == SSH* ]]; then echo 1; else echo 0; fi;
Alternative uses:
Trigger an action when server is UP (using &&):
[[ "$(sleep 1 | telnet -c <host> <port> 2>&1 | grep '^SSH')" == SSH* ]] && <command when up>
Trigger an action when server is DOWN (using ||):
[[ "$(sleep 1 | telnet -c <host> <port> 2>&1 | grep '^SSH')" == SSH* ]] || <command when down>
If you don't have telnet, you can use the bash built-in tcp pipes. is the place to record those command-line gems that you return to again and again. That way others can gain from your CLI wisdom and you from theirs too. All commands can be commented on, discussed and voted up or down.
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